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  • front of hospital and green space Best hospital voting is now open

    These rankings hold strategic value for Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences EVMS Medical Group at Old Dominion University and Sentara Norfolk General Hospital as many students, residents, faculty and patients consider them when deciding where to train, practice and receive care.

  • Cancer Specialist to Lead Basic Science Department

    Cancer specialist Michael Henry, Ph.D., has been appointed as the inaugural chair of the Department of Biomedical & Translational Sciences, effective June 1.

  • patient looking at a chart with a doctor. New program aims to improve care for aging population

    United by their dedication to deliver value-informed, compassionate and appropriate medical care to senior patients, their mission is to shape the next generation of healthcare providers through innovative curricula, experiential learning and patient-centered education.

  • pic of girl on bike with helmet. Join the fight against diabetes at the Tour de Cure on April 26

    The American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure returns this spring and the Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at ODU team needs your help to make it a success.

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