Interested applicants must submit a completed application by March 21, 2025. Awardees, mentors and clinical chairs will be notified by letter no later than April 30.

The application should include:

  • NIH-style biosketch of applicant
  • Chair’s statement of support, including (Limit: 2 pages):
    • Current funding available from all sources to support research activities for candidate
    • Department commitment to match or contribute funds to support candidate (Required)
  • Essay outlining commitment-engaged participation in clinical research (Page Limit: 6 pages)
  • Essay outlining area(s) of proposed research focus and alignment with EVMS and Sentara programs (Page Limit: 6 pages)
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation from prior faculty or research collaborators

Submissions should be saved as a single PDF file with pages numbered, Arial font size 11, single-line spacing, minimum 0.5 inch margin all around.

Submit application and supportive documents to JCIP@EVMS.EDU.