A diverse group of four seniors are being active outdoors. They are smiling at the camera.

Navigating the care that comes with aging can be confusing for both patients and their families. A Geriatrician can help.

“As we age, not only do our bodies change, so do life priorities,” says Marissa Galicia-Castillo, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology at EVMS.  “Geriatricians specialize in looking at the ‘big picture’ and understanding how to manage the changes that occur with aging. They enjoy helping older adults obtain optimal function and focus on improving quality of life.”

Currently, the United States has roughly one Geriatrician for every 10,000 older patients, so it is imperative that all physicians have some basic Geriatrics knowledge that they can incorporate in their practice. The benefit of consulting a Geriatrician is that they focus not only on the more complex cases, but also on wellness and prevention, which could shorten hospital stays and decrease health care costs.

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement offers guidelines for providers which help focus Geriatrics care through the 4Ms: Mobility, Mentation, Medication and What Matters Most.  “Each older adult is a unique individual,” says Dr. Galicia-Castillo. “These four areas are important to address whether you are a senior who is very robust and healthy or someone who may have numerous health issues.”

Here are four important things to know about Geriatricians:

What is a Geriatrician?

A Geriatrician is an Internal Medicine or Family Medicine physician who has taken extra training to become an expert in the healthcare needs of older adults.

Where do they practice?

Geriatricians are able to practice in a multitude of different settings - from home visits to outpatient clinic, to a skilled nursing facility, to the hospital, to assisted living.  Because of the wide range of settings, it is imperative that Geriatricians work together with the team which include nurses, therapists, social workers and others.

What if I already have a primary doctor?

Geriatricians in the EVMS Healthy Aging Consultation Clinic will work with your primary care provider to help focus on wellness and prevention to achieve the best possible quality of life as you define it.

How can I connect to a Geriatrician?

The best way to connect with a Glennan Center Geriatrician is through our EVMS Healthy Aging Consultation Clinic. Call 757-446-7040 to schedule an appointment.