EVMS recognizes employees' milestone anniversaries
On Wednesday, Nov. 2, during the EVMS Service and Recognition Awards Ceremony, colleagues from across campus will pay tribute to team members who have displayed excellence across program areas, departments and initiatives.
Included in that celebration will be recognition of those EVMS employees celebrating a milestone anniversary year. This year, EVMS will honor six employees with at least 40 years of service: Dr. Linda Archer, Marcia Burch, Dr. Thomas Manser, Connie Cartoski, Therese O’Connor and Sandy Huband.
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Find out more about the event and see a full list of award winner.
For the last 40 years, Dr. Linda Archer has been essential to the growth and continued success of EVMS GME. After earning her PhD, she came to EVMS as Coordinator of Education Programs within Family and Community Medicine. Currently, she is the Vice Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Dr. Archer has worked throughout her time at EVMS to enhance the residency and fellowship education programs, and she has been responsible for many other achievements, including reinforcing accreditation oversight, establishing a well-being program for residents and launching several diversity and inclusion initiatives, among many other things.
Dr. Archer received the national Parker Palmer Courage to Lead Award from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education as well as a range of institutional awards. She also has been invited to serve as faculty and a course director for GME-related programs at the state and national levels.
This December, Dr. Archer will begin her well-deserved retirement from her role as Vice Dean for Graduate Medical Education.
Marcia Burch, an Instructor in Physiological Sciences, joined EVMS in 1982 as a college student hired on a temporary basis to support human genetics research. She impressed her supervisors so much, they quickly offered her a full-time position.
During her career at EVMS, Ms. Burch has been active in research projects related to chromosome analysis, diabetes and efforts to improve treatments and diagnoses for preterm infants.
In 1992, she began working in Physiological Sciences, under the supervision of Dr. Gerald Pepe. There, she focuses much of her research on the role of estrogen in pregnancy.
“I love the work I do and continue to do,” she says. “EVMS has been a wonderful place to work throughout my career.”
Thomas Manser, the Oscar Edwards, MD Memorial Distinguished Professor in Internal Medicine and Professor of Internal Medicine, is a thorough clinician who demonstrates a commitment to patients and families and acts as an advocate in the hospital and the office.
Manser has been honored with many prestigious awards – including the Sir William Osler Award for Excellence and the EVMS Faculty Achievement Award for Teaching and Clinical Service among others — but he remains rooted in the community and provides the same conscientious care to every patient. As one colleague explained, “Tom is an extraordinarily competent and knowledgeable physician, but this gift is eclipsed by his humanity.”
He distinguishes himself as a master teacher with his profound well of knowledge, highly effective interactions with learners at all levels and especially his gentle, humble and effective approach to teaching.
Constance Cartoski joined the library at EVMS in 1977 — and she never left.
Her part-time position at nights and on weekends soon led to a full-time role. As the Lending Assistant and later Library Technician, Ms. Cartoski has been responsible for lending EVMS articles and books to other libraries around the world.
Getting to know her colleagues at EVMS and other institutions has been a highlight of her work. Ms. Cartoski delights in the many long-standing relationships she has developed over her 45 years at the school.
“I have acquired a work family while at EVMS,” she says, “and it has been a pleasure to see many students achieve their goals and become a physician and remain in the community. You don’t stay happy in a relationship for 40 years unless it is a great place to be, and EVMS is that type of workplace.”
Therese O’Connor remembers feeling nervous when she began her career. “At the time, I was young and recently married. I needed a job — I was just excited to dig in and learn more,” she says.
Over the course of 45 years, Therese proved herself to be an adept and quick study, but also a leader and trusted colleague. During her career she has trained hundreds of people on new financial software programs and platforms — a role that could have been daunting given its importance and complexity. Instead, Therese used the job as an opportunity to connect with others at EVMS.
“As a trainer, I got to interact with so many people, and I got to see EVMS grow,” says Ms. O’Connor.“I was always very proud of the customer service I was able to provide.”
Ms. O’Connor officially retired on Oct. 31. She is looking forward to deserved free time to devote to some of her passions — including her family, camping and motorcycles.
Sandra Huband is the first person in the school’s history to achieve this incredible service milestone. She started at EVMS two years before the school opened.
At the time, she was a work/study student from Kee Business College. When she completed her training, she joined the full-time staff in 192 and helped launch the admissions process. Sandy later transferred to Student Records and then Financial Aid. She eventually moved to Physiological Sciences where she was promoted to Department Administrator.
As proof of her longevity, Ms. Huband, who retired last month, can point to her employee number. For most, the number is in the thousands. Hers was 37. “Back then, I go to know nearly everyone in the small group of faculty, staff and students,” she says.
However, she got to know one employee a little better than others — her husband, David Huband, who retired last summer from his role as Associate Dean of Business and Administrative Affairs after 42 years of dedicated service.