Descriptions of images for Western Tidewater diabetes

This page describes the illustrations and bar graphs featured in the EVMS Magazine story "EVMS project targets diabetes in Western Tidewater".

Page contents

Localities included in the region defined in the service areas as Western Tidewater

Map of Virginia with highlighting localities in Western Tidewater. Full description in the text below.

An illustration showing the map of the Commonwealth of Virginia with four counties in the southeast corner of the state highlighted in a box. One of the highlighted counties is in North Carolina. This boxed area is highlighted in bigger and closer detail to the top right of the state map. The cluster of localities includes Sussex County, Surry County, Southampton County, Franklin City, Isle of Wight County and Suffolk City in Virginia and Gates County in North Carolina.

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Prevalence of Diabetes in the service area

bar graph showing high prevalence of diabetes in Western Tidewater

This figure shows two bar charts outlining the prevalence of diabetes in the Western Tidewater service area compared to state and national benchmark data. Western Tidewater has the highest level of Diabetes and high blood pressure with 18.4 percent. That’s compared to Virginia with 10.4 percent, North Carolina with 10.7 percent and the national average of 13.3 percent. The second chart shows the death rate due to diabetes per 100,000 people. In Western Tidewater the number 28.5 per 100,000. That compares to 19.6 in Virginia, 23 in North Carolina, and 21.1 nationally. Source: Obici Healthcare Foundation Service Area, 2018 Community Health Needs Assessment. Data collected in 2017.

The numerical values presented on the image are outlined in the tables below.

Percentage of diabetes/high blood sugar
Western Tidewater 18.4
Virginia 10.4 
North Carolina 10.7
United States 13.3


Death rate due to diabetes per 100,000 (age-adjusted)

Western Tidewater 28.5
Virginia 19.6
North Carolina 23.0
United States 21.1


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Age adjusted hospitalization rate per 10,000 due to type 2 diabetes in the service area

chart showing high hospitalization rate.

This figure is a collection of three bar charts illustrating the age-adjusted hospitalization rate per 10,000 due to type 2 diabetes, age 18+ years, in Western Tidewater. The chart shows that African Americans in Western Tidewater are twice as likely as whites to be hospitalized for complications from diabetes. In particular, Franklin City, Sussex County and Suffolk City are above the state average. Source: Virginia Health Information, measurement period: 2017–2019, obtained via the Community Indicators Dashboard, Sussex, Southampton and Surry Counties include all zip codes within each locality. Data not available for Gates County.

The numerical values presented on the image are outlined in the tables below.

Hospitalization rates by locality
  Hospitalization rate per 10,000
Surry County 17.7
Southampton County 18.1
Isle of Wight County 21.4
Suffolk City 30.9
Sussex County 40.3
Franklin City 71.4

Disparities by race/ethnicity for select localities

Data for Franklin City, Virginia
  Hospitalization rate per 10,000
Black/African American 97.1
White 51.0
Overall 71.4
Data for Sussex County, Virginia
  Hospitalization rate per 10,000
Black/African American 56.8
White 21.5
Overall 40.3


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