A doctor and patient sitting in an exam room.

Managing the complexities of sickle cell disease requires more than just treating symptoms — it demands a holistic, patient-centered approach. To meet this need, Sentara Health and Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences EVMS Medical Group at Old Dominion University are joining forces to bring specialists from general internal medicine, hospital medicine, pain management and psychiatry under one roof. The Sentara-EVMS Comprehensive Sickle Cell Program will provide multidisciplinary care, offering tailored treatment plans that address the diverse and interconnected challenges faced by sickle cell patients.

The Importance of a Multidisciplinary Approach for Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a lifelong, inherited blood disorder characterized by the production of abnormal hemoglobin, which causes red blood cells to become rigid and sickle-shaped. These misshapen cells can block blood flow, leading to severe pain episodes, organ damage and other serious complications. Given the multifaceted nature of SCD, patients often require care from a variety of specialists, each addressing different aspects of the disease.

  1. Department of Medicine: Physicians specializing in internal medicine play a central role in managing the overall health of SCD patients. They monitor and treat the acute and chronic complications of the disease, such as anemia, organ damage and infections. These specialists ensure that patients receive comprehensive care, coordinating with other providers to address the full spectrum of their health needs.
  2. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation: Pain is one of the most debilitating symptoms of SCD, often requiring specialized care. The clinic's pain management team, who also are physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, will work with patients to develop individualized pain relief strategies, including both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Rehabilitation specialists also will assist in improving mobility and function without or with co-existing pain, helping patients regain independence and maintain an active lifestyle despite the challenges posed by SCD.
  3. Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences: The psychological impact of living with SCD cannot be overstated. Chronic pain, frequent hospitalizations and the stress of managing a lifelong illness can lead to mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. By incorporating psychiatry and behavioral sciences into the care team, the Sentara-EVMS Comprehensive Sickle Cell Program ensures that patients receive the emotional and psychological support they need. This integrated approach recognizes that mental and physical health are deeply interconnected and that addressing both is essential for effective SCD management.

Collaborative Care: Tailoring Treatment to Individual Needs

What sets the Sentara-EVMS Comprehensive Sickle Cell Program apart is its commitment to collaborative care. The clinic's interdisciplinary team will meet regularly to discuss each patient's case, ensuring that all aspects of their health are considered when developing a treatment plan. This collaborative approach allows for the integration of different perspectives and expertise, leading to more comprehensive and effective care.

For example, a patient experiencing a sickle cell crisis may not only need immediate pain relief but also support to manage the emotional toll of the episode and guidance on preventing future crises. The interdisciplinary team can work together to provide this multifaceted care, addressing both the acute and chronic aspects of the disease.

A Model for the Future

The Sentara-EVMS Comprehensive Sickle Cell Program represents a new model for treating chronic diseases such as SCD. By bringing together a diverse team of specialists and focusing on the whole patient, the clinic aims to improve outcomes and enhance the quality of life for those living with this challenging condition. As more clinics adopt this multidisciplinary approach, the future looks brighter for SCD patients, offering them the comprehensive, compassionate care they deserve.

Call 757-446-8980 or visit evmsmedicalgroup.com/sicklecell to learn more or make an appointment.