
Not only does the Fetal Cardiovascular Center diagnose and treat fetal abnormalities, but we also conduct research studies on fetal cardiovascular diseases and placental function. During the diagnosis process, our doctors collect data to use in the research process, some of which has contributed to the understanding of fetal imaging, fetal circulation and fetal adaptation to hypoxemia.

Our ongoing research initiatives include:

  • Placental structure and function as markers of high-risk pregnancies
  • Diabetic pregnancies and fetal cardiovascular abnormalities
  • Diagnosis of congenital heart disease in early gestation
  • Fetal cardiac function in normal and abnormal pregnancies

Our research highlights include:

  • Changes in the cardiac axis in the cardiac cycle in normal fetuses and fetuses with congenital heart defects*
  • Early fetal echocardiography: A retrospective review of 5 years of clinical experience in a tertiary center*
  • Screening for fetal congenital heart defects with four-chamber view in early gestation: 5 years of clinical experience in a tertiary center*
  • Assessment of fetal myocardial function in normal and high-risk pregnancies using tissue doppler*
  • Assessment of fetal myocardial function in normal and high-risk pregnancies using M-mode*

*This research program has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB reviews research involving the use of human subjects and at other designated institutions and private practices. Research subjects' protection oversees all aspects of the human subject protection system, including administrative support of the IRB.