The Flow facility

  • Location: Lewis Hall 3052
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Facility is under the administrative management of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology. Dr. Elena Galkina acts as Facility Director in collaboration with trained Flow Cytometry Faculty Staff, who gives daily operational support.

The Flow Core currently houses eight unique instruments for flow cytometry experimentation. Please refer to the provided instrument descriptions and resources to determine which piece is right for your experiment.

The following services and fee schedule apply to the individual instruments listed.

  • Cytek Aurora
  • BD FACSAria Fusion
  • ImageStream 
  • MSD MESO QuickPlex SQ 120
  • MagPix
  • VetScan HM5 Hematology Analyzer
  • VetScan VS2 Chemical Analyzer
  • NanoString nCounter

Cytek Aurora

 Unassisted Run
Assisted Run ($/hr)FlowJo Data Re-Analysis ($/hr)Assisted FlowJo Data Re-Analysis ($/hr)
EVMS User* $36.00  $56.00  $24.00  $44.00
Non-EVMS User $54.00 $84.00 $36.00 $66.00

Acquisition: Charged at 1hr. min.
Initial Training: No Charge to EVMS Researchers

BD FACSAria Fusion

 Setup for Sorting ($)Cell Sorting ($/hr)
EVMS User* $60.00 $60.00
Non-EVMS U $60.00 $90.00

Setup: Flat Charge
Sorting: 1hr. min.

ImageStreamx MK II

 Unassisted Run
Assisted Run ($/hr)Assisted IDEAS Data Re-Analysis ($/hr)
EVMS User* $40.00  $60.00  $50.00 
Non-EVMS User $60.00 $90.00 $75.00

Acquisition: Charged at 1hr. min.
Initial Training: No Charge to EVMS Researchers

Meso Scale Discovery

 Unassisted Run ($)
EVMS User* $30.00 
Non-EVMS User $45.00

Acquisition: Charges are on a per plate basis

VetScan HM5 and VetScan VS2

 Unassisted Run ($)
EVMS User* Prices TBD
Non-EVMS User Prices TBD 

Acquisition: Charges are on a per plate basis.


 miRNA Hybridization ($)Total RNA Hybridization ($)
EVMS User* $200.00 $300.00
Non-EVMS User