Assisted services

9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday

Hours of operation

9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday

After hours access

Trained and experienced users (more than 15 hours of usage) during normal business hours may also request the use of instruments outside of the Core’s staffed hours. 

Instrument/equipment damage and misuse

Following the completion of their experiments, all users are expected to follow shutdown procedures as necessary. Failure to do so may lead to suspension of access to Core instruments.

Any instrument/equipment damages from negligence or misuse resulting in extended instrument downtime and/or the need for outside service will incur full cost of repair.

Cancellation/no-show (sorting and ImageStream)

No-shows will incur usage fees for assistance (if requested).

Billing period

Facility users are billed every month for hourly usage.

Please see the Services and Fees section for more details.