Ask A Librarian

Our librarians can help you learn how to use the library and its resources, conduct subject research, compile bibliographies and find quick, factual information. Librarians can do literature searches for community members, but there may be costs involved. 

Borrowing Library Materials

Registered library users have access to the library and its collections. Hampton Roads healthcare professionals have courtesy borrowing privileges. Faculty and graduate students of Virginia Tidewater Consortium member institutions have reciprocal borrowing privileges. The general public and area businesses may pay an annual subscription fee for borrowing privileges. 

Clinical Medical Librarian program

The Clinical Medical Librarian (CML) program extends library and information services into the clinical environment. Librarians attend morning reports and rounds and help integrate literature searching of "best evidence" into the patient care setting. Please contact Esther Sarino at 757.446.5851 or for additional information. 

Computers in the Library

Learn more about internet access, copying and printing capabilities, computer labs and classrooms, equipment checkout and public use computers. 

InterLibrary Loan Document Delivery

ILLiad is the library's document delivery system. You can use ILLiad to request a book or an item through Interlibrary Loan or to request a document or item from our collection. 

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) support

For assistance with the required literature searches for IACUC research protocols, please contact B. Todd Hooten, MLIS at

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Institutional Review Board (IRB) support is an important library service at your disposal. Research librarians are available to conduct literature searches and provide training sessions in the use of information resources. 


Instruction sessions can include introductory or advanced literature searches, a general orientation to library resources and services, or focus on a particular database or topic such as evidence-based medicine including clinical question (PICO) formation, study design, critical appraisal of research, and basic biostatistical concepts. 

Study areas

There are study tables, carrels and study rooms throughout the library. These are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There are also 24 group study rooms: 16 on the second floor and 8 on the third. Study rooms may only be reserved by faculty.  

Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education

The Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education (VTC) serves as the major vehicle for regional cooperation among institutions of higher education and affiliated agencies. EVMS students, faculty and staff who want to borrow materials from VTC libraries need to visit the library circulation desk to obtain a VTC card. 

Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA)

The Cooperative Borrowing Program allows students, faculty and staff at VIVA institutions to access and borrow materials on-site from any participating library.