Events (Public)
24th Annual Pediatric Emergency Medicine Updates
This professional educational conference is designed to provide emergency physicians, pediatricians, family practitioners, and other healthcare providers with state-of-the-art evidence-based information in pediatric emergency medicine.
The morning session will begin with the Annual Forrest White Visiting Lectureship presented by Carrie E. Busch, MD, MSCR. In the morning session, Dr. Busch will discuss the intersection of quality improvement and system/individual provider wellness. The afternoon session will focus on the important topic of dealing with deaths that occur in the emergency department.
Emergency medicine staff from Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters Emergency Center will present a variety of topics pertinent to pediatric emergency care through lectures and case presentations.
Target Audience This Pediatric Emergency Medicine Update has been organized to inform the pediatrician, family practitioner, and emergency department physician. Residents, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are encouraged to attend.
Earn up to 6.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ ACGME Competencies: Medical Knowledge, Patient Care, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement