The goal of the program is to train sound clinical surgeons who are able to function independently and/or pursue specialized training. Additionally, the program seeks to prepare residents for board certification. Upon completion of training, residents will be able to:

  • Make sound ethical and legal judgments appropriate for a qualified surgeon
  • Manage surgical disorders based on a thorough knowledge of basic and clinical science
  • Utilize appropriate skills in those surgical techniques required of a competent surgeon
  • Use critical thinking when making decisions that affect patients' lives and that of their family
  • Collaborate effectively with colleagues and other healthcare professionals
  • Teach and share knowledge with colleagues, residents, students and other healthcare providers
  • Educate patients and their families about the patient's health needs
  • Demonstrate commitment to scholarly pursuits through conducting and evaluating research
  • Provide cost-effective care to surgical patients and their families
  • Value lifelong learning as a necessary prerequisite to maintaining surgical knowledge and skill

The curriculum is 21 months of core surgical rotations and 39 months of vascular-focused services. Core surgery rotations cover the first three years; the final two years provide experience functioning as the Vascular Surgery service chief.

By the end of training, residents will demonstrate complete competence in the following areas:

  • Non-invasive Vascular Diagnosis – Including/not limited to:
    • Extracranial carotid
    • Venous duplex
    • Peripheral arterial (physiologic and duplex)
    • Visceral Abdominal
  • Endovascular - Including/not limited to:
    • Diagnostic angiography – All aspects
    • Interventional angiography – All aspects
    • Thoracic Endograft
    • Abdominal Aortic Endograft Placement
    • Carotid Stent Placement
  • Open Vascular Surgery – All aspects
  • Vascular patient management
  • Vascular Critical Care

Residents will successfully complete training in excess of the minimum procedural count outlined by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). By the end of training, residents will meet the standards of certification as required by the American Board of Surgery (ABS-VS) and the American Board of Osteopathic Surgery (ABOS-VS).

The expectation is for the resident to become competent and proficient in all procedures outlined on the certified operative logs and delineation of privileges as submitted to any Hospital Credentialing boards, the ACGME and the ABOS-VS. Residents will practice professionalism in interactions with physicians and staff, and in providing excellent care for patients.
