Laboratory Animal Science students work in a lab environment.

Laboratory Animal Science (M.S.)

The Laboratory Animal Science master's program provides the flexibility of online coursework and the expertise you need to advance in your field.

Who should apply?

Whether you are seeking job advancement in an animal laboratory setting or you are looking to enhance your veterinary school application, let us help you take the next step in your career. Our program focuses on all aspects of laboratory animal science including:

  • Husbandry and care
  • Common laboratory animal diseases
  • Facility management
  • Research design and data analysis
  • General research and diagnostic techniques
  • Behavior and management
Doctor performing ultrasound looking at monitor

Our guiding principles



Replacing the use of animals with alternative techniques or avoiding the use of animals altogether when possible.



Reducing the number of animals used to obtain information to a minimum.



Using methods that alleviate or minimize potential pain, suffering or distress and enhance welfare for the animals used.

Need more reasons why the Laboratory Animal Science master's program is the right fit for you?

Hand working at laptop


The Laboratory Animal Science program is taught online with frequent asynchronous instruction for maximum flexibility. All students enrolled in the program attend a mandatory one-week internship on campus in the summer semester between the first and second year of the program.

Career prospects

Scientific and research companies urgently need highly-qualified personnel to lead and manage their laboratory animal research activities. Opportunities exist in fields such as:

  • Veterinary care
  • Teaching
  • Animal resource management
  • Refinement of animal models
  • Development of alternatives to animals in research
  • Independent research