Counseling & Art Therapy is one of several programs at Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences EVMS School of Health Professions at Old Dominion University.

The EVMS School of Health Professions has more than 21 programs with over 750 students. The MD program - separate from the School of Health Professions - enrolls approximately 150 students each year. Brock Virginia Health Sciences is an academic health center with multiple relationships in the community and across programs. Our program awards a master's degree, not a Doctor of Medical Education, thus one is not attending medical school.

The Counseling & Art Therapy admission requirements are entirely separate from admissions requirements for other programs at the medical school, which vary according to the degree being sought (e.g., MD, MPH, MPA, etc.).

The demands of the program make it difficult for students to work, although some students have been able to find part-time jobs with enough flexibility in hours (such as waiting tables) so that their schoolwork is not compromised.

There are several institutional scholarships, including the Administrative Resource Council Scholarship, James Consoli Counseling & Art Therapy Scholarship and EVMS School of Health Professions Scholarship.

Find more information about scholarships.

Art Therapy and Counseling students are eligible for these scholarships, as well as financial aid and outside scholarships.

Approximately half our graduates from each graduating class remain in the Hampton Roads area, where they find jobs at mental health facilities, shelters, detention centers, community services boards and the like. Those who are willing to relocate often move in pursuit of a particular job with a particular age group.

There are some campus housing options available for students, residents and fellows.

Students who live close to campus can bike or walk to class or take public transportation (bus or lightrail), but we recommend that students have a car to reliably get to their internship sites during their three semesters of internships.

No. We have a wealth of internship opportunities available, although we encourage students with particular interests to discuss with us the possibility of new sites.

Students complete internships during the summer semester between the first and second year.

You will be making quite a lot of art within the context of the program: in Processes and Materials class, in some other classes, for class assignments and for special projects. In addition, you will be encouraged to keep a visual journal throughout the program. The fully-stocked studio is available 24/7 for your art making, academic or personal.