Alex McNally
- BS, Health Sciences - University of Florida '16
- MS, Biomedical Sciences - Eastern Virginia Medical School '17
- MD Candidate - Eastern Virginia Medical School '21

Why did you choose this school?
As a high school student living in Hampton Roads, Virginia, I had the opportunity to come to EVMS and interact with medical students. It was truly a unique opportunity and gave me that spark to pursue medicine in my future. Fast forward a few years, I applied to EVMS knowing I would receive an excellent medical education in the place where it all began for me and, as well, have the opportunity to give back to the community of Hampton Roads as a student.
What inspired you to choose to apply for HPSP? What was that process like and how has this shaped your experiences as a med master and med student?
I pursued a Navy HPSP scholarship to continue a family legacy. I am a son of two Naval Officers and loved growing up as a military child. I lived in Japan for most of my life and had a pretty unique childhood. I have wanted to join the Navy for as long as I can remember. When I finally decided to attend medical school, the opportunity to pursue both of my passions together was an easy decision to make. I am incredibly excited for what my future holds.
If you could give any advice to an incoming student, what would it be?
To any incoming students, my advice is to be prepared to work hard and prove yourself, but also to have the best experience possible. This program can create many opportunities for you, but it is up to you to seize those opportunities and succeed! Show them you can do it!