Medical & Health Professions Education tuition and fees are set annually in June and are subject to change without notice. Questions about tuition and fee charges on student accounts should be directed to Financial Services.

Tuition (2024-2025)

Year 1

  • In-state & out-of-state: $1,015.00 per credit hour
  • Mandatory Fees: $207.00

Year 2

  • In-state & out-of-state: $1,015.00 per credit hour
  • Mandatory Fees: $227.00

Employees (Options listed below can not be combined)

Sentara Employees

  • Full-time employees are eligible for a 10% tuition discount

Private education loans may be available for those who qualify.

The cost of attendance is based on the number of credit hours taken per term. Tuition is due at the beginning of each term of enrollment. For more information, please get in touch with Financial Aid at