There are a variety of visiting resident programs/rotations available. Individuals interested in participating in a visiting physician program must register through the residency or fellowship in which the experience will take place. Please note that not all training programs participate in visiting resident programs.

Visiting residents with patient contact rotations

The visiting residents with patient contact program is available for those who need/want educational credit for their training experiences. The Commonwealth of Virginia requires all healthcare providers participating in patient care to have a valid Virginia Medical License (either of temporary/training or permanent status). In addition to the requirement of a valid Virginia Medical License, the school requires a completed rotation application and an affiliation agreement to be fully executed prior to the start of the rotation. The required applications and agreement templates should be obtained from the training program in which the rotation will take place.

Observation-only rotations

Observation-only rotations provide visiting residents the ability to shadow a current EVMS faculty member; however, they do not provide educational credit. Visiting residents participating in an observation-only rotation cannot interact with patients and, therefore, do not need a valid Virginia Medical License.

Research scholars

Those individuals interested in a research scholar position should contact Human Resources for more details.