GME Weekly Discussions
Recordings of the Graduate Medical Education Discussion Meetings. In addition to the topics listed below, the discussions may include an ACGME Update, Hospital/Medical Group Updates, 2020-2021 Entering Trainees, and GMEC Sub-Committees (Elective Rotations, Recruitment) updates.
May 21 GMEC Discussion Meeting:
- Request for Exception to Eligibility Requirements
- Resident as Educators
- Resident Involvement in Surgery Policy
May 14 GME Discussion Meeting:
- Life Support Training (ACLS, BCLS, PALS)
- Using technology for educational experiences
May 7 GME Discussion Meeting:
- Resident Involvement in Surgery - Draft Policy
- Resident Town Hall and Survey
April 30 GME Discussion Meeting:
- Graduation Celebrations and Orientations
- 2020-2021 Didactics
- Resident Town Hall