Saturday, May 17, 2025 • 10 to 11:30 a.m. EDT • Chartway Arena
Commencement is an important occasion. For our students, it culminates years of exceptional academic performance. It also provides our distinguished faculty an opportunity to celebrate our strong educational mission and to seal a life-long bond with our graduates.
The Class of 2025 Advanced Degree Ceremony for Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences Eastern Virginia Medical School and EVMS School of Health Professions at Old Dominion University begins promptly at 10 a.m. EDT and lasts approximately 90 minutes. Registration for the Class of 2025 and Faculty is required by Friday, March 7, 2025.
Tickets for the ceremony are required, but free to graduating students and their guests. Each graduate can claim up to 12 tickets. The graduating student does not require a ticket.
During registration for the ceremony, students are permitted to request a maximum of 4 additional tickets. This is only a request for that number of tickets, not a guarantee. Ticket requests will be reviewed after registration has closed and those who submitted a request will be contacted with more information. We encourage students in need of tickets to check with classmates for any available tickets.
Information about claiming your ceremony tickets will be available soon. Registered students will be sent e-ticket distribution details no later than two weeks prior to the ceremony date.
Please check the Commencement website regularly for updates and/or weather notifications. For emergency contact information day-of, please call 757.446.6070.