Janet K. Kempf, Ph.D., LPC, ATR-BC, NCC, Core Counseling Faculty
Janet K. Kempf, Ph.D., LPC, ATR-BC, NCC is a clinical mental health counselor, registered and board-certified art therapist, and instructor in the Counseling and Art Therapy Program at the Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University.
She earned a Master of Arts in Art Therapy from the University of Louisville and a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, with a certificate in Substance Use Counseling, from Union Institute and University. With over 20 years of clinical work, Janet earned a Ph.D. in Counselor Education at The University of Toledo.
Janet’s clinical experience includes work with clients of all ages in outpatient, crisis stabilization, and residential settings. Over the years, she has served in a variety of leadership capacities with organizations such as the Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE) and the Ohio Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (OACES). She presently serves as a director on the Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB) and a member of two Virginia Art Therapy Association committees. Her research interests include reviewing best practices for working with vulnerable populations and models to be utilized in counseling and art therapy education.
Research Interests
Reviewing best practices for working with potentially violent clients, the benefits of programmatic accreditation, and cultural humility.