Important Announcement Concerning Vaccination, Masking and Social Distancing

Emailed June 8, 2021

Sent on behalf of the Continuity of Operations Taskforce

EVMS has navigated the COVID-19 pandemic by following recommendations from the CDC and the Commonwealth of Virginia and by balancing safety constraints and the need to operate as freely as possible within those constraints. Based on new recommendations from both the CDC and the Commonwealth, we are preparing to return to much more flexible operations.


EVMS expects all employees and students to get vaccinated as soon as possible. We know that many in the EVMS community are fully vaccinated; however, vaccination of all employees and students is critical to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to return to regular, in-person activities.

On or before June 18, EVMS will announce its procedures for requiring and documenting COVID-19 vaccination by August 1, 2021 for all students participating in in-person instruction and training activities, and for employees, pending FDA approval of the vaccines and maintaining the usual exemptions for medical and religious reasons. Students who are enrolled in online programs and who are not taking any on-campus courses are exempt from this requirement.

Masking and Social Distancing Requirements

We are modifying the masking and social distancing protocols, differentiating between those employees and students who are fully vaccinated and those who are only partially vaccinated or unvaccinated. Effective immediately, vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a mask in non-clinical settings and social distancing is no longer required.

Masks and use of recommended personal protective equipment are still required in all clinical settings where EVMS staff and students encounter patients. EVMS clinical settings will continue to restrict visitors until further notice. As always, EVMS clinical faculty, residents and students must follow the protocols of their host facility when visiting other organizations.

EVMS is modifying its masking and social distancing requirements by differentiating between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated/partially vaccinated employees and students as follows:

Fully Vaccinated Individuals

For the purposes of this guidance, people are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 two weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or two weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson [J&J]/Janssen).

Individuals who have received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine that is listed for emergency use by WHO (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines (e.g., COMIRNATY, Tozinameran), AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID-19 vaccines (e.g., Covishield, Vaxzevria), Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine, Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine) do not need any additional doses with an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine.

Masks and social distancing are not required in non-clinical areas of EVMS, to include:

  • Research labs
  • Teaching areas (conference rooms, classrooms, lecture halls, study rooms, etc.)
  • Administrative work areas (offices, carrels, conference rooms)
  • Break rooms (including clinical staff breakrooms where patients are not allowed)

Additional information concerning the applicability of these requirements to specific EVMS buildings may be found at the end of this message.

For the fully vaccinated, the implications of these changes are that we can return to in-person meetings, education conferences (Grand Rounds, departmental meetings, etc.) and similar gatherings without masks, restrictions on room capacity, or social distancing.

Unvaccinated/Partially Vaccinated Individuals

Masks must be worn and social distancing must be observed at all times, whether inside or outside of buildings, except when alone and in private spaces such as an office.

For those unvaccinated/partially vaccinated, attendance at educational, research or administrative meetings is allowed; however, a mask is required. In addition, individuals should maintain social distance during these activities. Please note: Unvaccinated individuals are at a significantly increased risk for getting serious COVID-19 illness and for spreading COVID-19 to others, including those who are immunocompromised.

During a group gathering, if any individual asks for everyone to remain masked, all individuals in the meeting should remain masked.

Additional considerations

Given the intermingling of clinical and non-clinical spaces across the EVMS campus, employees and students should always have a mask with them.

Classrooms and conference rooms should allow adequate space for unvaccinated individuals to socially distance. Occupancy in these rooms can increase from the COVID-19 social distancing capacity limits.

The expanded sanitation protocols remain in place.

Food and drink in settings other than restaurants remain limited to bottles and boxes.

A general guide to clinical and non-clinical spaces on the EVMS Campus follows:

  • Fully Vaccinated Individuals (must have proof of vaccination on file with EVMS Occupational Health):
    • Masks are not required in teaching, research or administrative areas (conference rooms, classrooms, lecture halls, labs, office suites, break rooms) in:
      • Waitzer Hall
      • Lester Hall
      • Andrews Hall, Floors 1, 4 (admin offices) and 5
      • Williams Hall, A and B Wings (HADSI and Research Administration, Community Health and Research Division)
      • Lewis Hall (Masks are required in animal holding areas of the vivarium.)
      • Hofheimer Hall, Floors 2 and 7 and administrative offices
    • Masks are required in all clinical areas (including common areas, elevators and bathrooms) in:
      • Hofheimer Hall (excludes 7th floor conference rooms and auditorium)
      • Andrews Hall, floors 1 (common areas), 2, 3 and 4 (Student Health Clinic)
      • Williams Hall, C Wing (Pulmonary/Critical Care, Strelitz Diabetes)
      • Jones Institute (IVF activities on floors 1 and 2)
    • Masks are required in any group gathering where the meeting host has asked individuals to remain masked.
  • Unvaccinated/Partially Vaccinated Individuals:
    • Masks must be worn at all times in all locations, whether inside or outside of buildings, except when alone and in private spaces such as an office or outdoors and away from others. In addition, social distance (more than 6 feet) must be maintained at in-person educational, research or administrative meetings.

We are grateful for the patience, understanding and support shown by the members of the EVMS community as we continue to work our way through the pandemic as safely as we can.

Thank you.

Important Research Restriction Updates

Emailed March 24, 2020

Sent on behalf of Dr. William Wasilenko, EVMS Vice Dean for Research

EVMS Research continues to monitor the rapidly changing events related to the COVID-19 outbreak and wishes to remind you of our recent research guidance and restrictions posted on the EVMS COVID-19 website. Updates are posted to this site daily, so please review the site regularly for the most recent guidance, some of which is noted below:

  • As a reminder, all nonessential research activities should be completed immediately and no new research should be initiated.
  • New restrictions and recommendations have been announced by the Comparative Medicine program that restrict new animal orders and the breeding of mice and other animals.
  • Please be advised that physical access to all EVMS core facilities may soon be limited to pre-approved "essential" research activities only. Please contact the core facility directors immediately if you foresee a need for core access and lab services for essential research. The definition of what constitutes essential research activity is posted on the Research COVID-19 website.
  • Information about restrictions to clinical research is posted on the EVMS COVID-19 site under Research Guidance in the IRB section.

Finally, please familiarize yourself with the guidance included on the COVID-19 website on dealing with exposures of personnel to COVID-19 and other illnesses, as this may become a factor for your research programs. Most importantly, if you have been exposed to someone with the illness, or show any symptoms of COVID-19 or other contagious illness, please STAY HOME!

UPDATE: COVID-19 Information for the EVMS Research Community

Emailed March 20, 2020

Sent on behalf of Richard V. Homan, MD, President and Provost, Dean of the School of Medicine; and William Wasilenko, PhD, Vice Dean for Research

In light of the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19 and the possibility that lab operations may be temporarily suspended, research leadership is alerting you to some additional operational guidance and requirements effective immediately.

These are in addition to the previous guidance communicated in our March 17 memo (found at

  1. Research lab operations are to be ramped down considerably by Monday, March 23. Any new experimental activity beyond that date will need to be requested and approved by the Office of Research in consultation with the appropriate Chair or Center Director.
  2. Critical lab support activities and items, such as animal studies, cell lines, freezers, liquid nitrogen, sensitive instrumentation or others, need to be identified and an appropriate person assigned for the responsibility of these items’ upkeep. These actions are critical should a building need to be closed for some time. A checklist will be posted on the COVID-19 research website to assist you with laboratory hibernation.
  3. The IRB has posted guidance and procedural changes for more restricted human subjects’ research; this is also posted on the COVID-19 website.
  4. Effective Friday, March 20, the number of identified “essential” research personnel should be limited to three per laboratory. All personnel are reminded to practice good hygiene, social/physical distancing, and avoid coming to work ill.

COVID-19 Information for the EVMS Research Community

Emailed March 17, 2020

Sent on behalf of Richard V. Homan, MD, President and Provost, Dean of the School of Medicine; and William Wasilenko, PhD, Vice Dean for Research

To protect the health and safety of the EVMS research community during the COVID-19 outbreak, these research-related changes and recommendations are intended to help diminish the risk of COVID-19 transmission among researchers, staff and students.

As this situation is quite fluid, we advise that you prepare for additional changes to your routine research operations. At this time, research laboratories remain open; however, EVMS is recommending that all researchers begin ramping down non-essential research activities. EVMS also recommends that no new experiments or studies be initiated during this outbreak.

Graduate and medical students currently working in a laboratory should follow the guidelines of the principal investigator for limiting research in the lab. More information will be forthcoming.

We are monitoring the situation closely and recommend that all researchers immediately develop a contingency plan for more strict limitations on research. We also recommend that you become aware of any departmental pandemic plans affecting your research.

The changes and guidance provided below are similar to those being implemented at several research-intensive institutions and apply to all laboratory, clinical and community-engaged research activities. The requirements may change as the situation evolves.

Please note that all research support units, such as Environmental Health & Safety, Sponsored Programs, CompMed and the IRB, as well as the IACUC, Biosafety and Conflict of Interest offices, remain operational, although remote work is being planned for many of these support units. We encourage you to visit the COVID-19: Research webpage, which will be updated shortly to include information, resources for research continuity planning, and research FAQs to assist faculty, staff and students manage their ongoing research.

General Research Operations
Principal investigators should begin immediately identifying essential experiments that are at a critical stage and plan for their completion. Essential research is typically high-priority research that, if abandoned, will cause a major or irreversible negative impact on a funded project. Examples of nonessential experiments are exploratory or pilot projects, and quality control or procedural development, to name a few.

Develop a contingency plan immediately for more restricted laboratory access or a possible acute shutdown of laboratory functions. The plan will vary depending on the nature of the research. Some considerations for restricted use of laboratories are:

  • Illness of personnel and the identification of back-up personnel to perform any needed lab operations
    Access to needed core equipment, supplies, the protection and maintenance of sensitive equipment, cell stocks and animal models.
  • Ensuring the safety of the laboratory and dispose of any chemical and/or biological waste.
  • Limiting the number of individuals in the laboratory, and practicing physical distancing.
  • Considering impacts of limited subject involvement in clinical studies (see the IRB guidance documents)
  • Developing a communication plan with your laboratory, clinical staff and other collaborators.

Nonessential and outside visitors to the research facilities are prohibited. Research seminars and chalk talks are suspended and laboratory group meetings should be held remotely. Research activities in the community are discouraged.