The information archived here was provided for the EVMS Community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find the latest guidance at this link.

Last Updated 03-27-2020 1:15 p.m.

EVMS is providing the following guidance for anyone planning an event or meeting. Be aware that this is an evolving situation. Advise participants that you might need to cancel at any time, and they should make contingency plans.

  • All institutionally sponsored events beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, and until further notice have been canceled. This includes Match Day and Commencement.
  • For a list of impacted events, check the CME TrackerProfessional Development Workshops page and this document.
  • All meetings beginning March 17, 2020 are limited to 10 people in accordance with federal recommendations.
  • Meetings and events of any size should be reconsidered. Consider using teleconferencing as an alternative.
  • Consult with Business Management if you have any questions regarding canceling an event.

Visitors to campus

Last Updated: 05-04-2020 5:03 p.m.

Events have been canceled and meetings limited to 10 people or less. Therefore, there should be few, if any, visitors to campus. Meeting organizers should know the COVID-19 status of the areas where visitors are coming from. Anyone planning to visit EVMS after recently being in a jurisdiction with CDC Level 3 travel warning for coronavirus will be required to self-isolate off campus for 14 days after leaving the COVID-19 risk area and before attending an EVMS event. This applies even if the individual only had a stop-over in a CDC Level 3 jurisdiction.