Last Updated: 05-14-2020 4:07 p.m.

EVMS is beginning the process of ramping up its clinical, research, and educational enterprises. The ramp-up process is being coordinated by a Ramp-up Task Force, which will monitor the efficacy and safety of EVMS operations and the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ramp-up plans will be updated regularly and posted on the EVMS COVID-19 website.

The Ramp-Up Task Force

Last Updated: 05-14-2020 4:19 p.m.

Members: C. Donald Combs, PhD, Vice President & Dean, School of Health Professions (Chair); Margaret Baumgarten, MD, EVMS Family Medicine; Kurt Stauder, CEO EVMS Medical Group; Ron Flenner, MD, Vice Dean, Academic Affairs; Stacy Purcell, Vice President, General Counsel; William Wasilenko, PhD, Vice Dean, Research; Helen Heselius, Senior Associate Vice President of Finance; Mark Babashanian, Vice President, Administration & Finance; Matthew Schenk, Executive Director, Human Resources; Edward Oldfield, MD, EVMS Internal Medicine; Linda Archer, PhD, Vice Dean, EVMS GME

Charge: To develop and implement a plan to ramp-up EVMS’ clinical, research, education and administrative operations in a manner consistent with guidance from the CDC and other appropriate entities concerning the safety of students, patients, faculty and staff.

Reporting: The task force reports to Richard V. Homan, MD, President and Provost, Dean of the School of Medicine.

Management: The ramp-up will be overseen on a daily basis by the executives and department chairs who currently have managerial responsibility for clinical, research, education and administration operations.

Ramp-Up Timeline

Last Updated: 05-15-2020 9:09 a.m.

Based on the work of the Task Force, it is anticipated that the ramping up will proceed in three gradual stages during the next four to 10 months as follows:

  • Stage 1: Resuming critical research activities and clinical operations by May 15, 2020;
  • Stage 2: Resuming remaining research activities, clinical rotations in the medical and health professions education programs, and some on-site administrative operations by June 15, 2020;
  • Stage 3: Delivering limited on-site instructional activities by Aug. 5, 2020. Didactic courses will continue to be delivered online as much as possible.

Throughout this timeline, the Task Force will monitor the efficacy and safety of EVMS operations and the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic as it revises its plans.

If faculty and staff who are not engaged in research and approved to resume activities find it necessary to return to campus, they must be masked.


Additional Information

Last Updated: 05-14-2020 4:15 p.m.

OSHA/CDC guidelines: EVMS will implement the ramp-up across the various operational areas in accordance OSHA/CDC guidelines on PPE, social distancing, group size, sanitation and such other factors are identified as related to safety for our students, patients, faculty and staff.

Training: Prior to ramping up any activities, faculty, staff, students and other members of the EVMS community will be required to undergo training on policies and procedures related to self-monitoring of health, proper utilization of PPE and social distancing, as well as identifying resources available through EVMS Human Resources, Occupational Health, and Student Health.

Concerns: Concerns about safety in the EVMS workplaces should first be addressed with the immediate supervisor. If a concern is not adequately addressed at that point, then the concern should be addressed with the department chair. If the concern remains, it should be addressed with Human Resources.