Last Updated: 06-02-2020 10:04 a.m.

The information provided below is intended to facilitate the gradual resumption of on-campus activities at EVMS in a manner consistent with state and federal guidelines, beginning June 15, 2020.

The Faculty-Staff Ramp-Up Plan has been developed with input from across the EVMS campus and the Ramp-Up Task Force. The Plan mirrors plans being developed at many academic institutions across the nation. The approach involves several critical procedures to be followed by the EVMS community, in particular PPE usage, social distancing, hand washing and health monitoring.

Prior to returning to campus, EVMS faculty and staff must complete the COVID-19 Faculty and Staff Training.

NOTE: These procedures and guidelines are fluid and subject to change depending on COVID-19 outbreaks, public health considerations and institutional, federal and state revisions in policies.

General Requirements

Last Updated: 05-27-2020 4:19 p.m.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/Masks

  • N-95 respirators are PPE and must be worn by those in positions that require a respirator as outlined in the EVMS Respiratory Protection Plan (RPP).
  • Face masks (either Cupron or fabric face coverings) must be worn by all faculty and staff in common areas at all times, including hallways, elevators, break areas, restrooms, and building entryways. Chairs/Department Heads may request Cupron or fabric masks for employees by completing the COVID-19 Pandemic Supplies Request Form through Materials Management.
  • PPE and face masks must be cleaned/laundered in accordance with the EVMS/EVMS Medical Group PPE/Masking and Hand Hygiene during COVID-19 guidelines approved by the EVMS Academic Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
  • Find a complete overview of this guidance on the PPE Masking and Hand Hygiene page.

Social/Physical Distancing

  • A minimum of 6 feet distance should be maintained between personnel while in hallways, elevators, break areas, restrooms, building entryways and offices.
  • Meetings should be conducted virtually whenever possible.

Safe Work Practices

  • Employees are encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water regularly throughout the day. Employees will be allowed several breaks throughout the day for handwashing. Frequent use of hand sanitizers throughout the day is suggested when handwashing is not feasible.

Health Monitoring

All faculty and staff are required to self-monitor for COVID-19 health symptoms daily. DO NOT COME TO WORK IF YOU ARE SICK or if you:

  • Experience symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e., cough, fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing).
  • Have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Have been in close proximity with someone diagnosed with or suspected of having COVID-19.
  • Returned from international travel.

If any of the above are true, the following steps must be followed:

  • Follow the steps under the What Should I Do? section of the COVID-19 website.