Sent on behalf of the Continuity of Operations Task Force

Immunization with a safe and effective vaccine is a key component of the effort to reduce the severity of illness and deaths attributed to COVID-19. EVMS continues to prepare for the time when vaccines become available to us.

We will keep you informed as we receive updates from the federal and state agencies entrusted with distributing the vaccines. We are conducting a brief survey to determine who is interested in receiving the vaccine once it is available. This will help us better understand the level of interest within the EVMS community of employees and students. Please help us plan and complete the EVMS COVID-19 Vaccine Survey (EVMS login required).

Here’s what we know so far:

  • EVMS will participate in the COVID-19 vaccine administration as part of the Commonwealth’s Unified Command and VDH COVID-19 Vaccination Plan.
  • We have created a COVID-19 Vaccine planning group within the EVMS Continuity of Operations Task Force to develop a plan and to provide clear communication about that plan for our community. As we receive guidance on the distribution and timing from state and federal regulators, we will share more with you.
  • We will receive COVID-19 vaccines upon FDA approval and implementation of the nation-wide distribution plan. We do not know the timeline, but are preparing for a variety of scenarios.
  • Upon procurement, the voluntary COVID-19 vaccine will be available to employees using a phased approach.
    • Healthcare workers with the highest risk of COVID-19 exposure will be given priority. This initial cohort will be followed by others based on guidance from the FDA and CDC.
    • The COVID-19 Vaccine Taskforce is currently identifying exactly which healthcare workers will constitute the first cohort.

Taking the COVID-19 vaccine will be voluntary. No one will be required to take the vaccine. We are encouraging everyone, but are not requiring COVID vaccination at this time.

We are in the early stages of receiving information and developing our plans in conjunction with the appropriate federal, state and regional agencies. There will be much more to share with you in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our mission and our communities.

The EVMS Continuity of Operations Task Force