Sent on behalf of Richard V. Homan, MD, President and Provost, Dean of the School of Medicine.

I wanted to follow-up on yesterday’s Virtual Town Hall and assure you that we are diligently working to answer the many excellent questions that were raised during our live broadcast.

I have asked members of senior leadership to address the questions that pertain to their respective areas. We will be posting the questions and answers on the EVMS COVID-19 website as soon as possible. In addition, separate communications will be sent by the academic programs to their respective students to address program-specific concerns.

It is clear that this is a time of uncertainty for many as we deal with the realities of COVID-19 and its impact on our lives. Please know that we are not alone. Medical and health professions schools across the country are also navigating these uncharted waters. These past few weeks have not been easy, and the decisions we’ve had to make have been beyond difficult.

This is a fast-moving and complex public-health crisis with policy and practice changing almost minute by minute. In light of that, yesterday’s Town Hall was the first of what will be a series of live broadcasts to provide updated information and to answer your questions. Next week I will host a student-focused Town Hall with members of the School of Medicine and School of Health Professions available to answer questions. Specifics around the date and time will be announced next Tuesday via email and our COVID-19 website.

I also will host an employee-focused Town Hall to answer workforce questions. Please stay tuned for more details around that broadcast.

To our faculty and staff who are continuing the work of our great institution, whether remotely or on campus as one of our essential personnel, thank you. I appreciate your commitment to keeping our school safe and productive. Your support for one another and for our community is inspiring.

To our students, I know that you are so much more than learners — you serve many value-added roles in the provision of care for our community. Thank you for your resilience, your willingness to do your part to safeguard the health of the community, and your patience as we determine the best way to move forward.

Please continue to visit the EVMS COVID-19 website for updated information on the upcoming Virtual Town Halls and other news related to our campus response to the pandemic.