Sent on behalf of Richard V. Homan, MD, President and Provost, Dean of the School of Medicine; and William Wasilenko, PhD, Vice Dean for Research.

In light of the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19 and the possibility that lab operations may be temporarily suspended, research leadership is alerting you to some additional operational guidance and requirements effective immediately.

These are in addition to the previous guidance communicated in our March 17 memo (found at

  1. Research lab operations are to be ramped down considerably by Monday, March 23. Any new experimental activity beyond that date will need to be requested and approved by the Office of Research in consultation with the appropriate Chair or Center Director.
  2. Critical lab support activities and items, such as animal studies, cell lines, freezers, liquid nitrogen, sensitive instrumentation or others, need to be identified and an appropriate person assigned for the responsibility of these items’ upkeep. These actions are critical should a building need to be closed for some time. A checklist will be posted on the COVID-19 research website to assist you with laboratory hibernation.
  3. The IRB has posted guidance and procedural changes for more restricted human subjects’ research; this is also posted on the COVID-19 website.
  4. Effective Friday, March 20, the number of identified “essential” research personnel should be limited to three per laboratory. All personnel are reminded to practice good hygiene, social/physical distancing, and avoid coming to work ill.