Sent on behalf of EVMS Medical Group Quality Office, EVMS Infectious Disease, EVMS Risk Management and EVMS Occupational Health.

EVMS and EVMS Medical Group continue to monitor updates from the CDC and Virginia Department of Health regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). We are providing the following resources to guide clinicians and clinical staff in reporting and treating potential 2019-nCoV patients. Please use and distribute the attached resources as appropriate for your clinical setting:

We continue to rely on the CDC for the latest updates and will communicate with you as additional information becomes available. 

Respiratory hygiene stations in our buildings and practices should be stocked with masks, tissues, and hand sanitizer for patients. The posters on these stations are being edited to reflect up-to-date information for patients to remind them to utilize supplies when they are experiencing fever, cough, and/or flu-like symptoms.

Media inquiries should go to EVMS Marketing and Communication at 446.7070.

Click here for the latest clinical information update from CDC.

Additional Information from Risk Management:

  • EVMS International Travel Alert Update: In addition to the Level 4 Do Not Travel issued for all of China, the U.S. government has taken unprecedented steps with respect to travel in response to the growing public health threat posed by this new coronavirus:
  • Effective February 2, 2020, at 5 pm, the U.S. government suspended entry of foreign nationals who have been in China within the past 14 days.
  • U.S. citizens, residents and their immediate family members who have been in Hubei province and other parts of mainland China are allowed to enter the United States, but they are subject to health monitoring and possible quarantine for up to 14 days.
  • See more at: “Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus"
  • Any EVMS faculty, resident or student should review the most recent CDC and U.S. Department of State information prior to submitting any international travel applications to restricted areas.