Dear EVMS Students:

Thank you for reaching out about your needs. Two-way communication is vital during these unusual times. We appreciate your communication and are doing our best to respond as quickly as possible.

Available Printers for Student Use

To further support student needs with the closure of the library, the printers that were located in the Student Lounge have been moved to Lester 107. The space will open for student use from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 7 days a week, again with precautionary conditions:

  • Students must wear masks in the room. Masks will be kept behind the security station in the Lester Hall lobby and the security officer will distribute them to students as they are ready to enter the room. Students are asked to recycle their masks, as appropriate.
  • Students will maintain physical distancing and hand hygiene in the room. In addition to the first floor bathrooms, a hygiene station with hand sanitizer has been placed outside of Lester 104.
  • Students experiencing any illness symptoms will remain at home

Please join me in thanking the Library, AV, and IT staff who have made this resource available for students. We also ask that students be thoughtful and understanding in their use of the printers:

  • Printers will be accessible and usage will be monitored via the PaperCut software that is already in use.
  • Printers will be checked by EVMS staff approximately once a day for maintenance and supplies. With limited on-campus staffing, please understand that more frequent checks are not possible.
  • Students are asked to use personal paper for large prints to avoid depleting the supply for other students prior to the next maintenance.
  • Students can contact Student Affairs ( with any problems or concerns.

The room will be sanitized each evening after 5 p.m. As always, we are tremendously appreciative of our housekeeping, facilities, and maintenance staff for their tireless efforts to make these resources safe and available for students.

Student Volunteer Efforts for EVMS’ COVID-19 Response

As a reminder, we are requiring all students interested in volunteering during this time to coordinate with SGA ( and Student Affairs. Please visit EventMedley ( to see what opportunities are available to you. We continue to be in awe of all of your efforts to date. Thank you!

Important student resources

EVMS Student Primary Healthcare


EVMS Student Mental Health

757.446.5888 option #3

EVMS Police & Public Safety

757.446.5911 or 5199

HealthAdvocate Student Assistance Program


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Contact Lifeline


YWCA Sexual & Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline


Alcohol and Narcotics Help Line


Crisis Text line

LGBT Life Center


LGBT National Help Center

800.246.PRIDE (7743)

Please know we are thinking of each of you and are here to help. Please be safe and be well!

The Student Affairs Team

Student Affairs Staff Member

Area of Service


Allison Knight

All student needs


Melissa Scott

Student rights; student mistreatment; Title IX

Joann Bautti

Class/club programming; student equity; Safe Zone

Diane Dougherty

Class/club programming; student reimbursements; wellness ideas

Vera Potts-Anderson

Student lockers; MD ERAS questions

Dan St. John

Academic counseling; Safe Zone

Lindsay Meyers

Academic counseling; peer tutoring

Terri Edwards

Disability services; academic counseling



Allison P. Knight, Ph.D.  
Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Director of Student Wellness
Assistant Professor | Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Eastern Virginia Medical School | Room 1170 Lewis Hall | 700 W. Olney Rd. | Norfolk VA 23507
(757-774-6577  7: 757.446-5817