Sent on behalf of the Continuity of Operations Task Force

In prior notes from the Continuity of Operations Task Force, we have stated that a process for distribution of COVID-19 vaccines at EVMS will be developed as we receive guidance from federal and state agencies — FDA, CDC, and VDH. It appears that the FDA will approve one or more vaccines in December. Please understand that approval simply begins a process of vaccine distribution that will evolve over the coming six months.

It is important for everyone to understand that the particulars of the process and its implementation for EVMS are not now known and will only become known in a piecemeal fashion during the coming months. Therefore, this is the first in a series of emails that will address the EVMS distribution plan as it evolves following the guidance of the FDA, CDC and VDH. We are excited that the process is beginning, but also aware that the distribution process will take several months and require patience.

EVMS priorities are based on the direct patient contact/COVID-19 exposure/AGPs and high risk conditions. The initial priorities are listed below. As we receive additional guidance, we will develop further details concerning priorities and communicate those with the EVMS community as soon as we are able.

  1. Healthcare providers involved in direct patient care (clinical personnel) ( *a, b and c can be combined based on vaccine availability)
    • Residents from clinical departments below are to be given a priority for vaccination, followed by faculty and clinical personnel
    • High risk department and have risk factors
      • Otolaryngology
      • Surgery
      • OB/GYN
      • Ophthalmology
      • Internal Medicine
      • Family Medicine
      • Emergency Medicine
    • High risk departments and no risk factors ( clinical personnel)
      • Otolaryngology
      • Surgery
      • OB/GYN
      • Ophthalmology
      • Internal Medicine
      • Family Medicine
      • Emergency Medicine
    • All personnel in high risk departments
    • All other clinical departments personnel with high risk and students with high risk factors
    • All other clinical departments personnel and students without high risk factors
  2. All EVMS employees and students with high risk factors
  3. All remaining EVMS employees and students

Thank you for your continued dedication to our mission and our communities.