Sent on behalf of Anca Dobrian Ph.D. , Director of the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Programs; Don Combs Ph.D , Vice President and Dean, School of Health Professions and William Wasilenko Ph.D, Vice Dean for Research.

EVMS Health Professions and Research wishes to update faculty mentors and graduate students in the Biomedical Sciences Programs to new guidance and restrictions related to laboratory research activities during the COVID-19 outbreak:

  • Access by PhD and Masters graduate students will be restricted in research laboratories. Conducting laboratory experiments to complete coursework or dissertation requirements will be delayed until further notice.
  • Graduate students should consult with their mentor to conduct remote telework activities necessary for their coursework and any research data analysis, publications, etc.
  • No graduate students will be allowed to serve as an Essential Personnel for maintenance of lab operations. Mentors should find alternative essential personnel to maintain critical laboratory operations or equipment.
  • Mentors should consult with grants accounting about funding for technical, student and other investigator support from grants.