May 12, 2021

Sent on behalf of C. Donald Combs, PhD, Vice President and Dean of the School of Health Professions, Chair of the Continuity of Operations Committee

The COVID pandemic shows continuing signs of improvement and the CDC and VDH are revising their guidance and gradually loosening the requirements. However, the future course of the pandemic remains unclear and subject to change. While we will need to remain nimble and adjust to any future change in pandemic circumstances, EVMS Senior Leadership has accepted recommendations from the Continuity of Operations Committee regarding a safe return to more normal, on-campus operations. Please note, moving forward, that:

  • Vaccination for employees and for students will continue to be voluntary as long as the status of the pandemic continues to improve. Department heads and supervisors should strongly encourage their staff to get vaccinated.
  • Masking, social distancing and sanitation protocols will remain in place and are likely to remain until at least the end of the calendar year.
  • Business meals that follow EVMS policies are now permitted but limited to bottled drinks and boxed meals.
  • National and international business travel will be permitted after July 1, 2021, subject to the EVMS travel policies and COVID protocols as well as any additional guidance that may be issued by the CDC or VDH.
  • A full transition back to working on campus will continue with the expectation that employees working remotely should begin to transition to on-campus activities no later than July 1. Remote work arrangements under the emergency plan (COOP) will end August 2. EVMS policy permits employees to request a telework arrangement through their supervisor. All telework arrangements must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and current telework agreements must be in place by August 2.
  • Human Resources will conduct virtual, interactive training sessions for all supervisors regarding the telework policy in May and again in July.
  • The EVMS telework policy will be evaluated during the transition back to campus to determine if any changes are necessary.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes, please attend the Virtual Town Hall Meeting today (Wednesday, May 12) from noon to 1 p.m.

View the Town Hall here or go to and click on the Town Hall button. Follow the prompts on the BlueJeans event page to submit a question. The Town Hall will be recorded for those who are unable to view it live.

Thank you for your continued support and for your hard work during the pandemic. We are gratified conditions continue to improve and that we can welcome more faculty, staff, residents and students back to campus in the coming months.