Jan. 5, 2021

Sent on behalf of the Continuity of Operations Task Force

The Continuity of Operations Task Force wants to remind everyone that strict adherence to EVMS' masking, social distancing and sanitation protocols is essential to protecting the health of our community.

We expect a surge in COVID cases as a result of the Christmas and New Years holidays with their attendant travel and social gatherings. We remind everyone to follow our protocols, which are posted on the EVMS COVID site within the "What Should I do?" button.

We also remind supervisors and department chairs to follow the sanitation procedures listed within the Supervisor category of "What Should I do?" if they think a workspace should be considered for disinfection.

Finally, although EVMS has signed agreements with the CDC and VDH concerning the distribution of vaccines, no vaccines have yet been received and none are expected for some time as the national distribution system continues to evolve.

Once again, we thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to address the safety issues posed by the pandemic.