Sent on behalf of the EVMS Ramp-Up Task Force

The EVMS Ramp-Up Task Force has announced plans for faculty and staff to return to campus. A similar plan for students is expected to be announced next week.

The ramping-up process is being coordinated by the Ramp-Up Task Force, which is charged with developing and implementing the plans in a manner consistent with guidance from the CDC and other regulatory entities concerning the safety of students, patients, faculty and staff. The Task Force reports directly to the President and is comprised of senior leaders of EVMS and EVMS Medical Group who represent all functional areas (education, research, clinical care, administration and GME).

Based on the work of the Task Force, it is anticipated that the ramp up will proceed in three gradual stages during the next four to ten months as follows:

  • Stage 1 – Initiated the ramp up of the critical research activities and clinical operations as of May 15, 2020.
  • Stage 2 – Ramp up remaining research activities, clinical rotations in the medical and health professions education programs and some on-site administrative and educational operations by June 15, 2020.
  • Stage 3 – Deliver limited on-site instructional activities by Aug. 5, 2020.

Throughout this timeline, the Task Force will monitor the efficacy and safety of EVMS operations and the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic as it revises its plans.

All activities will resume in accordance with OSHA/CDC guidelines on PPE, social distancing, group size, sanitation, self-monitoring and related factors. All faculty and staff will be required to undergo training and must be approved before resuming on-campus activities.

Please note that universal masking is now in effect for anyone on the EVMS campus for any reason.

Ramp up plans will be updated regularly and posted on the EVMS COVID-19 website.