
Sent on behalf of the Continuity of Operations Task Force

There are four simple statements that the Task Force wants to share at this time:

The Omicron variant is now the dominant strain of COVID-19. It is highly contagious. The evidence so far indicates that a booster COVID-19 vaccine shot provides a significant increase in protection against the virus. So, we strongly urge all employees, residents, fellows and students to get a booster shot now, and to enter that information on the VAX portal (EVMS login required).

As the pandemic progresses, it is likely that all employees, residents, fellows and students will be required to get a booster shot sometime in the near future.

The symptoms of the flu, COVID-19 and other respiratory illness are similar. If anyone has symptoms of illness, they should stay home, take the REDCap Exposure survey and follow the guidance from the survey. Please remember that if you feel ill or have been exposed you should notify your supervisor in accordance with your departmental call-out procedure.

Vaccination, mask wearing, social distancing when possible, hand washing and limiting exposure to groups of people in social gatherings remain the core defense against infection from the COVID-19 virus.

We remain grateful for the understanding and support everyone has given to the efforts of the Task Force to protect our community.