The COVID pandemic situation has improved to the point where most restrictions within the Commonwealth have been removed. The EVMS community situation is such that, at this time, the Task Force is recommending a further relaxation of our protocols.


Getting vaccinated and staying up to date on your COVID-19 vaccine continues to be the best way to protect yourself from a serious COVID-19 illness from COVID-19. We strongly encourage, but no longer require, employees and students to be vaccinated and boosted. However, faculty, staff, residents and students assigned to other facilities must follow the vaccine policies of those facilities, including being fully vaccinated or boosted if required.


Masks continue to be required in EVMS Medical Group departments and in certain common spaces in clinical buildings, including lobbies, elevators, hallways and bathrooms on clinical floors. Clinical buildings include Hofheimer Hall, Andrews Hall, Williams Hall/Strelitz Diabetes and SGF Jones Institute.

Masks are not required, regardless of vaccination status, in the following spaces:

  • All non-clinical buildings
  • Study rooms in all buildings
  • Shared break rooms located in clinical departments (e.g. resident rooms, lunch spaces, etc.)
  • Classrooms, labs and other academic rooms
  • The student and employee Wellness Centers
  • Educational lecture rooms that are in clinical buildings (e.g., Grand Rounds)

Eye protection in EVMS Medical Group departments is no longer required for fully vaccinated individuals who are providing routine clinical care.

Although wearing masks is optional, COVID-19 remains active in the region and individuals who want to continue to wear a mask for any reason are free to do so.

Social Distancing/Social Events

The two-person per elevator restriction is hereby lifted. While social distancing is no longer required it is still recommended for individuals who are not up to date on COVID-19 vaccines or those at higher risk of getting sick with COVID-19.

Social events will no longer require Task Force approval, but the Task Force continues to recommend bottles/boxed meals and plated service over buffets.


Although the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) was deactivated in 2021, EVMS Senior Leadership maintained the Emergency Leave and COOP Short Term Disability (COOP STD) benefits to assist employees in dealing with issues caused by intermittent surges that continued to occur. Effective as of the date of this email, the Emergency Leave provision in the EVMS Paid Leave Policy and COOP STD has ended. If you have any questions about these changes, please email Human Resources or call 446-6043.

COVID Screening Protocol

The COVID screening protocol remains in place, and the Task Force reminds everyone that they should not be in the workplace if they feel sick. Employees who have a confirmed exposure or feel ill must still complete the REDCap EVMS/EVMS Medical Group Exposure Survey. Employees who comply with the protocol, are up-to-date on their vaccinations (including boosters as recommended by the CDC), and are placed out of work will be eligible for paid administrative leave until cleared to return to work buy Occupational Health.

International Travel

International business/academic travel by students continues to be prohibited with the exception of certain cases where a student is invited to present at a scientific or academic meeting, including poster and paper presentations. These cases must be submitted to the Task Force and Risk Management for consideration and approval. Only students up to date on their COVID vaccine may submit an application. Note that all international travel for business/academic purposes by faculty, residents, fellows, and staff is subject to approval in accordance with the Risk Management Policy on International Travel.  See Travel Guidance for more information.

As in the past, these guidelines could change based on future conditions. EVMS will continue to follow the relevant CDC guidelines.