Sent on behalf of Richard V. Homan, MD, President and Provost, Dean of the School of Medicine.

Governor Northam issued a temporary stay-at-home order today to reinforce the Commonwealth’s response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. I want to clarify and reiterate that EVMS is an essential business and will remain open indefinitely to provide needed medical care to our community during this public health crisis, to facilitate remote learning for our students, and to perform critical research. Maintaining the essential functions of EVMS complies with the orders issued by the governor.

The health of our employees is one of our primary concerns. Therefore, with the exception of essential personnel, supervisors must require all eligible employees to work remotely. Essential personnel are employees who are required to report to their designated work location because they perform job duties that cannot be performed remotely and are necessary to ensure continued operations of EVMS and/or EVMS Medical Group such as healthcare workers and police and public safety staff. Essential personnel should employ social distancing practices in the workplace. Working remotely and practicing social distancing are critical to safeguarding our community and helping to flatten the curve for coronavirus infections.

If you are not sure if you are an essential employee or eligible for remote work, please contact your supervisor or Human Resources at or calling 757.446.6043.

Thank you for your flexibility and your hard work during the pandemic.