August 16, 2021

Sent on behalf of the Continuity of Operations Task Force

As we discussed during the Town Hall on Wednesday, the region is experiencing another surge in the COVID-19 pandemic. Infections are increasing, as are hospitalizations, especially among the unvaccinated members of our community. Among the highest areas of risk are workrooms and shared workspaces where some individuals are not masked. Also of greater risk are activities where meals are provided without social distancing among the participants.

The most significant tools we have to continue to provide a safe environment for our students and employees are vaccines and masking. Additionally, food is limited to boxes/bottles and should be provided only when essential to the educational/business activity and when social distancing while eating can be observed.

Consequently, we want to remind our employees and students, that the following directives are in force as of August 16, 2021:

  • Vaccination has been required, with limited exemptions, for on-campus students as of August 1, 2021 and for current employees as of October 1, 2021. New hires on or after September 1, 2021 are required to be at least partially vaccinated with full vaccination within 60 days of their start date.  
  • Masking is required in all campus locations with the sole exception of single individuals working alone in an office.
  • If employees or students are on campus and feel sick, they should go home. If they are at home, they should stay home. They should follow the guidelines in the What Should I Do? section of the EVMS COVID website. This guidance applies to both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
  • If food is provided as an essential part of an educational/business activity, social distancing of at least six feet is required
  • For the foreseeable future, EVMS will not hold social events, whether indoors or outdoors.
  • Educational/business activities may proceed so long as everyone is masked all the time. That includes activities such as classes and seminars where both the speakers and audience are required to be masked.
  • EVMS events held off-campus are subject to the masking and food guidelines. Large (more than 50 attendees) indoor activities should be moved to a virtual format if possible.
  • Masking is recommended when attending non-EVMS indoor events.

We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of all employees and students as we continue to navigate our way through the ever-changing pandemic.