April 29, 2021

Sent on behalf of the Continuity of Operations Task Force

EVMS continues to limit travel to professional meetings and conferences. Currently, the only exceptions are travel to small group working sessions directly related to funded research. We hope to be able to allow broader travel for professional meetings sometime this summer. In the meantime, we continue to monitor the guidance provided by the CDC and VDH and will adjust our protocols as appropriate.

Private travel by EVMS employees and students and travel related to graduate medical education programs are governed by the following guidance.

  1. No testing or quarantining is required for fully vaccinated, asymptomatic international travelers who are coming to EVMS (with FDA authorized vaccines, see the definition of a "fully vaccinated person" below). EVMS Occupational Health must have a record of immunization.
  2. No testing or quarantining is required for international travelers who have recovered from Covid-19 in the past 90 days. A proof of Covid-19 positive test date is required, as is a statement from a provider indicating that person is past isolation.
  3. Unvaccinated international travelers must have a negative test within three days prior to travel to USA. Additionally, they need testing on day 3-5 after arrival in the USA and they need to quarantine at home until day seven. If the test result on day 3-5 after arrival is positive, then 10 days of isolation is required as is being afebrile for 24 hours.
  4. Asymptomatic Domestic travelers who are fully vaccinated with FDA authorized vaccines do not need testing or quarantining. Occupational Health must have a record of immunization.
  5. Asymptomatic Domestic travelers who are not fully vaccinated do not need testing or quarantining unless there is a known exposure to Covid-19 or PUI or they are symptomatic. In that case, testing is done on day 5 with clearance after day 7 if they remain asymptomatic, and the test result is negative, or they are eligible to return according to the symptomatic employee protocol.
  6. All symptomatic travelers need testing ASAP and should remain isolated until test results are available such that Occupational Health or Student Health can address each case. (The RedCap travel or post-exposure survey should be completed.

For the purposes of this guidance, people are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 two weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or two weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson [J&J]/Janssen).

Thank you for your continued support.