
Sent on behalf of the Continuity of Operations Task Force and Human Resources

The COVID pandemic appears to be stabilizing at a lower threat level than in recent months and countries are beginning to slowly lower their restrictions on international travel. EVMS has determined, based on the current pandemic status and the plans for many conferences to return to face-to-face meetings, that applications for international travel may be submitted beginning December 1, 2021, for travel scheduled after January 1, 2022. Only EVMS employees who are fully vaccinated may submit an application. International travel by students and residents continues to be prohibited.

Applications must be submitted in accordance with the EVMS Policy on International Travel.

Applicants need to be aware that, when an application is approved, the decision is based on the best available information at the time of approval. Subsequent changes in the pandemic, or in the situation on the ground at the destination, may require a revocation of previously approved applications.

  • The Task Force recommends that, prior to submission of an application to Risk Management, applicants should review the U.S. Department of State’s travel advisory levels and the CDC Traveler’s Health site. Applicants should understand that:
    • Travel applications for a Level 4 advisory site will not be processed.
    • Travel applications for a Level 3 advisory site require additional internal review.
    • A CDC Outbreak Notice requires additional internal review.
  • Risk Management will check both websites 2 weeks and 1 week prior to the traveler’s departure date:
    • An elevation to a Level 4 will result in revocation of approval as EVMS sponsored travel.
    • Elevation to a Level 3 or a CDC outbreak notice will require additional internal review and may result in revocation of approval.
  • Travelers should review and confirm their airline’s policy on ticket vouchers and/or reimbursement for cancelled flights.
  • Travelers must adhere to each country’s COVID entry and exit requirements as well as the current United States COVID re-entry policy.
  • Travel to OFAC Sanctioned Countries continues to be restricted post-COVID.