Sent on behalf Ronald W. Flenner, MD, FACP, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.

Dear students,

In light of today’s declaration of a state of emergency for Virginia and in keeping with our steadfast commitment to the health and wellbeing of the EVMS community, Match Day will not be held in the customary manner this year. This decision was not an easy one, but it prioritizes your health and safety and is in line with actions being taken by most medical schools across the country.

Please inform your family and friends who might have been planning to attend that they should not come to campus on Match Day. An alternative plan to distribute match results will be forthcoming.

This is obviously unfortunate news, and we share in your disappointment. We were looking forward to celebrating Match Day with you.

While we cannot all be together, we eagerly await sharing the news and excitement of where you will begin the next phase of your career. You have spent your time at EVMS working with and treating a very diverse population, and we are confident that you are prepared for what lies ahead. We have seen firsthand how hard you have worked and have faith that no matter your chosen specialty or your match, you will be amazing physicians and make a difference in people’s lives.

Thank you for your understanding as we make these difficult decisions. Please know that we will be there in spirit with each of you on Match Day.

Our most heartfelt congratulations,

Ron, Brooke, Mily and Allison