COVID Care Protocol

Last Updated 12-28-2020 2:13 p.m. 

Paul E. Marik, MD, Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care, is providing guidance for healthcare providers treating COVID-19 patients. This document is designed to inform physicians on a protocol found to be highly effective in damping down the hyper-inflammatory cytokine “storm” that is the cause of mortality and morbidity in COVID-19. This guidance should only be used by medical professionals in formulating their approach to COVID-19. Patients should always consult with their physician before starting any medical treatment.

 This protocol often changes to reflect the latest research developments. Please bookmark and share to find the most up-to-date version of the guidelines. 

Update on COVID-19 with Dr. Edward Oldfield III

Last updated 10-27-2020

Edward C. Oldfield III, MD, an EVMS professor of internal medicine and an infectious disease expert, offers an update Sept. 20th on COVID-19 including the re-opening of schools and colleges, vaccines, preventing illness spread, the three C's of transmission, and options moving forward. 

COVID-19 Update on Clinical Protocols

Last Updated 05/28/2020 6:20 p.m.

The M. Foscue Brock Institute for Community and Global Health hosted “EVMS-Sentara COVID-19 Update on Clinical Protocols” May 28. The update provided an overview of COVID-19 epidemiology, transmission and clinical manifestations; reviewed testing, infection control and PPE recommendations; reviewed the pathophysiology of the cytokine cascade and pro-coagulation in COVID-19 patients; and discussed current COVID-19 treatment protocols.

Dr. Oldfield remarks on PPE shortage and measures to take during the COVID-19 crisis

 Last updated on 03-24-2020 12:12 p.m.

Facing the PPE shortage, both nationwide and in our facilities, Dr. Oldfield answers questions regarding measures that can be taken that align with CDC guidelines for the wise use of PPE (personal protective equipment).

The information archived here was provided for healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find the latest guidance at