Who to Contact - Quick Reference Guide

Last Updated: 08-10-2020 1:05 p.m.

Coming to Work

Research or Lab Issues

Health and Wellbeing

COVID-19 Compliance

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Request for Pandemic Critical Supplies: Use this form to order cloth or disposable masks, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, disinfectant spray and facial tissues. 

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Cleaning Protocols for the EVMS Campus

  1. Housekeepers will receive sustainment training as well as any updated training as suggested by the CDC, from Olympus Building Services and the EVMS Medical Group.
  2. Housekeepers will use a fresh solution of disinfectant daily in their spray bottles and mop buckets.
  3. Housekeeping will continue to clean and disinfect all restrooms. High touch restroom items include toilet flush handles, sink faucet handles, door knobs, light switches, product dispensers.
  4. Housekeeping will not touch office, lab or clinical equipment such as computers, monitors, keyboards, calculators, lab equipment or clinical equipment.
  5. Housekeepers will wear disposable gloves and masks when performing their work, and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as applicable.
  6. Housekeepers will report any torn or damaged PPE immediately to Supervisor.
  7. Housekeepers will be provided with fresh cleaning cloths and mop cloths daily.
  8. If surfaces are dirty, housekeepers will clean the dirt away before using disinfectant. 
  9. Housekeeping day porters will disinfect high touch items in common areas (kitchenettes, public restrooms, conference rooms, corridors, elevators and stairwells). Evening janitors will disinfect interior suites, offices, private conference rooms, and all clinical areas. All public areas such as public restrooms are disinfected by both shifts.
    High touch items for disinfection include:
      • light switches
      • interior & exterior door handles
      • telephones
      • exposed table & desk tops
      • elevator call buttons(interior & exterior) and handrails
      • stairwell door handles & handrail
      • Dispose of PPE in biohazard trash 
      • Housekeeping will not touch biohazard trash.
  10. Wash hands thoroughly with warm water & soap for twenty (20) seconds.
  11. Current disinfectant:  BNC-15 by Spartan Chemical.

• Housekeepers will receive sustainment training as well as any updated training as suggested by the CDC, Olympus Building Services, and the EVMS Medical Group.
• Housekeepers will use a fresh solution of disinfectant in their spray bottles and mop buckets daily.
• Housekeepers will wear disposable gloves and masks when performing their work, as well as other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as applicable.
• Housekeepers will report any torn or damaged PPE immediately to Supervisor.
• Fresh cleaning cloths and mop cloths will be dispensed daily.
• If surfaces are dirty, housekeepers will clean the dirt away before using disinfectant.
• Housekeeping day porters will disinfect high touch items in common areas (kitchenettes, public restrooms, conference rooms, corridors, elevators and stairwells). Evening janitors will disinfect interior suites, offices, private conference rooms, and all clinical areas. All public areas such as public restrooms will be disinfected by both shifts. High touch items for disinfection include:

 light switches
 interior & exterior door handles
 telephones
 exposed table & desk tops
 elevator call buttons(interior & exterior) and handrails
 stairwell door handles & handrail

• Housekeeping will continue to clean and disinfect all restrooms. High touch restroom items to be included; toilet flush handles, sink faucet handles, door knobs, light switches, product dispensers.
• Housekeeping will not touch office, lab or clinical equipment such as computers, monitors, keyboards, calculators, lab equipment or clinical equipment.
• Housekeeping will dispose of PPE in biohazard trash.
• Housekeeping will not touch biohazard trash.
• Housekeepers will wash hands thoroughly with warm water & soap for twenty (20) seconds.
• Current disinfectant: BNC-15 by Spartan Chemical.

1) COVID19 clinical screenings will be performed in the exam room by a provider. If examining a suspected COVID19 patient, the clinical staff will disinfect the exam room surfaces after patient discharge.
2) Clinical staff will mark the exam room door with a note displaying “C” to notify Housekeeping of the suspected COVID19 exposure.
3) Clinical staff will contact a Housekeeping Manager by both phone & email and provide the information that a suspected case of COVID19 was seen in Building/Floor/Suite #/Exam room.

Housekeeping Managers
Tia Jones  757-300-6557
Dana Lemon: 757-979-7926

4) Housekeeping will suit up in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): disposable gloves, mask & disposable gown.
5) Housekeeping will enter the exam room and perform a second disinfecting of the room.
6) Dispense a fresh solution of disinfectant into spray bottle and mop bucket.
7) During 2nd shift housekeepers will wipe high touch items in clinical areas with disinfectant (offices, clinic exam rooms, private conference rooms, kitchenettes, rooms contained within a clinical department suite). High touch items includes door handles (exterior and interior), telephones, light switches, and sink faucet handles.
8) Housekeeping will put on disposable gloves before entering exam rooms and clinical restrooms as well as other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as applicable.
9) Housekeeping will report any torn or damaged PPE immediately to Supervisor.
10) Housekeeping will use only those housekeeping supplies (bucket, mop wringer, mop handle & mop) designated for clinic exam rooms. Fresh cleaning cloths and mop cloths will be dispensed daily.
11) If surfaces are dirty, housekeeping will clean the dirt away before using disinfectant.
12) Using disinfectant, housekeeping will spray horizontal surfaces: counter tops, sinks, faucets and faucet handles, exam beds (if exposed – no paper drape) and foot rests.
13) Housekeeping will spray vertical surfaces: cabinet faces.
14) Housekeeping will set a timer to disinfectant kill time – two (2) minutes - and pour out disinfectant in bucket after time has elapsed.
15) Housekeeping will wipe down wet surfaces after time has elapsed.
16) Housekeeping will wet mop the floor and leave it to air dry.
17) Housekeeping will continue to clean and disinfect clinic restrooms. High touch restroom items to be included are toilet flush handles, sink faucet handles, door knobs, light switches, product dispensers.
18) Housekeeping will dispose of disinfectant solution in bucket. Refill bucket with disinfectant solution to clean the bucket.
19) Housekeeping will dispose of gloves in biohazard trash.
20) Housekeeping will dispose of regular trash. Biohazard trash will not be touched.
21) All PPE will be disposed of in the exam room biohazard trash container after disinfecting & before the housekeeper leaves the exam room.
22) Housekeepers will wash their hands thoroughly with warm water & soap for twenty (20) seconds.

Labs, break areas, restrooms and office research spaces in Lewis Hall 2nd and 3rd floors, Jones Institute 3rd floor, Jones Institute and Lewis Hall 4th floor vivarium entry door handles, Lester Hall, Williams Hall Pediatric Community Health, and HADSI.

1) Housekeeping will clean high touch surfaces twice daily, early morning and after 5:00 p.m.
2) Housekeeping will wipe high touch private research and clinical research areas (offices, private conference rooms, kitchenettes, rooms contained within a clinical department suite). High touch includes door handles (exterior and interior), telephones, sink faucet handles, refrigerator handles, door handles to freezer rooms and handles on the freezers in these area.
3) Housekeeping will continue to clean and disinfect research & clinical research restrooms. High touch restroom items to be included; toilet flush handles, sink faucet handles, door knobs, light switches, product dispensers.

Classrooms, conference rooms, auditoriums, Brickell Library study carrels, study rooms and computer rooms.

1) Areas to be cleaned daily, including the disinfecting of high touch items including door handles, light switches, telephones, any exposed table and desk tops
2) Housekeeping will continue to clean and disinfect educational area restrooms. High touch restroom items to be included; toilet flush handles, sink faucet handles, door knobs, light switches, product dispensers.
3) Housekeeping will wipe high touch education areas (offices, private conference rooms, kitchenettes, rooms contained within a clinical department suite). High touch includes door handles (exterior and interior), telephones, sink faucet handles, refrigerator handles, door handles to freezer rooms and handles on the freezers in these area.
4) Housekeeping management will review classroom schedules daily to determine classroom availability.
5) Housekeeping will detail clean and disinfect classrooms each evening.


A) Private Areas (offices, private conference rooms, kitchenettes, rooms contained within a departmental suite)
B) Building Common Areas (all restrooms, building lobbies, public corridors, reception areas, elevators, stairwell door handles & handrails, exposed table tops)

1) Areas to be cleaned daily include the disinfecting of high touch office areas including door handles, light switches, telephones, exposed table tops, exposed desk tops, all restrooms, toilet flush handles, sink faucet handles, building lobbies, public corridors, reception areas, elevator call buttons (interior & exterior), elevator hand rails, stairwell door handles & handrails.

2) Housekeeping will continue to clean and disinfect administrative area restrooms. High touch restroom items to be included; toilet flush handles, sink faucet handles, door knobs, light switches, product dispensers.