Gynecological Teaching Associate (GTA)

GTAs are female standardized patients who are specifically trained and certified to teach, assess and provide feedback to learners about accurate pelvic, rectal and/or breast examination techniques. They also address the communication skills needed to provide a comfortable exam in a standardized manner, while using their bodies as teaching tools in a supportive, non-threatening environment. 

See a full list of GTA capabilities.

GTA introduction for faculty

GTA introduction for learners

Male Urogenital Teaching Associate (MUTA)

MUTAs are male standardized patients who are certified and specifically trained to teach, assess and provide feedback to learners about accurate urogenital and rectal examination techniques. They also address the communication skills needed to provide a comfortable exam in a standardized manner, while using their bodies as teaching tools in a supportive, non-threatening environment. 

See a full list of MUTA capabilities.

MUTA introduction for faculty

MUTA introduction for learners