Report a concern:


Anonymously report a concern using the Anonymous Reporting Page.

We have created a threat assessment team to proactively assess, monitor and initiate responses to remediate potential threats to the safety and well-being of all members of the campus Community. The Safety Management and Assessment Response Team (SMART) investigates incidents and behaviors of individuals and/or groups by collecting and assessing information from multiple sources to determine potential threats and developing and implementing appropriate remediation strategies. See the SMART Policy for more information.

SMART is comprised of representative from the Office of Legal Counsel, Human Resources, Office of Student Affairs, Risk Management, the Medical Group and Police and Public Safety. Additional ad hoc members can be brought in as subject matter experts for specific cases. The team meets once a month to review ongoing and new cases. In addition, the Team Leader can convene the team on an as needed basis, whenever a moderate or high risk report is identified.

What to report:

  • Acts of violence
  • Threats (direct, indirect, implied, veiled)
  • Harassment (verbal or other means of communication)
  • Intimidation
  • Stalking or unwanted pursuit
  • Inappropriate correspondence and/or contact
  • Mental health issues including, but not limited to, voluntary and/or involuntary committals
  • Restraining orders secured by or against members of the community
  • Weapons on campus
  • Homicidal/suicidal thoughts, plan, or intent
  • Preoccupation with violent themes
  • Belligerent or angry outbursts
  • Apparent obsession with another person
  • Domestic violence, physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse
  • Intentional destruction of property
  • Any incident and/or behavior that raises concerns for the safety/well-being of any individual or group or the integrity of property

How to report:

Incidents or behaviors of concern may be reported by phone, email, in person, or anonymously. All information, including the identity of reporting persons is held in confidence, and all files maintained by threat assessment teams are exempt from disclosure through the Freedom of Information Act.

To report a concern by phone, email or in person, any SMART member may be contacted as listed below or you may report to the team by emailing Immediate threats should be directly reported to the Campus Police and Public Safety office at 757.446.5911 or 911.

Notification System:

Emergency notifications and timely warnings are issued via the RAVE Alert campus emergency notification system. Campus community members can also sign up for Rave Guardian which allows Police to locate and respond to situations quickly when help is needed.

We encourage each member of the campus community to log in to the Rave Alert website to confirm contact information. More information is located on Campus Safety & Alerts.


Ms. Donita Lamarand (Risk Mgt.)                                                 

Chief A.J. Mitchell (P&PS)                                                           

Ms. Josephine Wiley (General Counsel)                                                        

Mr. Matthew Schenk (HR)                                                           

Dr. Allison Knight (SA)                                                               

Ms. Christina Sanders (P&PS)                                                     

Ms. Leanne Smith (MG)                                                              

Ms. Melissa Scott (SR&R)

To make a report anonymously use the anonymous reporting page on the Police and Public Safety website.

When making a report please include, if possible:

  • Date/Time of incident
  • Name and demographic information on person of concern (D.O.B. race, sex, student or employee #, address) and
  • A description of behaviors of concern or acts committed
  • To be successful, SMART needs members of the Campus Community to be observant and report incidents and behaviors of concern so that potential problems and appropriate solutions can be identified and implemented.