It is the policy of institution to maintain an alcohol and drug-free work and learning environment. Drugs are defined as those control substances identified in the Federal Controlled Substances Act (a copy of the act is available through Human Resources by calling 757.446.6043).

Alcohol and drug information

The use of drugs/or alcohol results in increased absenteeism, lowered educational performance, increased risk to patients and decreased productivity. In addition, serious health risks are associated with the illicit use of drugs and alcohol. As a medical school, it is vitally important that we maintain a healthy educational environment.

Smoking and tobacco information

Our campus is a tobacco-free campus. It is our policy to provide a smoke-free environment for its students, faculty, staff, residents and contractors. Effective January 1, 2009, the medical school became a tobacco-free campus, including satellite offices. This includes smoking and smokeless tobacco products. The tobacco-free zone includes the parking garages and lots. Tobacco use will not be permitted in school vehicles and in private cars parked on campus property (Brock Virginia Health Sciences and satellite offices). Enforcement of this policy is a responsibility for all faculty, staff, residents and students of our campus, who are expected to be positive role models and good ambassadors of the tobacco-free initiative to non-persons on campus. Those who violate the policy are subject to disciplinary action.

All students in possession, use or distribution of alcohol (on campus or in clinical training facilities) and/or illegal drugs will be reported to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.