According to's Technique G88 to meet WCAG 2.0 success criterion 2.4.2 (Page Titled), webpage titles should:

  • Identify the subject of the Web page
  • Make sense when read out of context, for example by a screen reader or in a site map or list of search results
  • Be short

A page title should be relevant to the content of the webpage in order to pass success criterion 2.4.2.

When people are searching for information, page titles matter. When a user uses a search engine, the search results they see all have headings, and those headings are page titles. Having a descriptive page title lets these users know they are in the right place.

Do this

Be brief but descriptive

A page title "Our Achievements" is a good example of a page where the content discusses the achievements of our student body.

"Funded Projects" is a page that includes information on projects that have been funded by a department. This is another good example of a heading that would pass this success criterion.

Learn how to create and update page titles (section titles) in TerminalFour.

Don't do this

Don't rely on other pages for context

Page titles stand alone and should not rely on context from other webpages to explain their meaning.

For example, say you have a group of page titles, where Student Status is the parent of the two pages below it and the pages below it describe each type of student status:

  • Student Status
    • Full-time
    • Part-time

On their own, "Full-time" and "Part-time" do not give enough context for a user to determine the meaning of each page. Without the added context the parent page provides, users will not know whether "full-time" and "part-time" describe employees, students or something else entirely. Do not rely on users' knowledge of other pages, including parent pages, on the website to explain your page title.

Do this: Instead, try "Full-time Status," "Full-time Students" or "Full-time Student Status."

Don't be vague

If you are creating a report on admissions rates, "Report" on its own would not pass requirements for a page title.

Do this: Instead, try something more descriptive, such as "Admissions Report," as a page title.

WCAG success criterion

2.4.2 Page Titled: Web pages have titles that describe topic or purpose. (Level A)