Prior Staff Award Winners (Ineligible for 2024)

The individuals listed below are not eligible to receive an award in the same category for a period of three to five award cycles (typically a period of 3 to 5 years, depending on the award category). These individuals are, however, eligible to receive an award in any of the other categories.

 Award for Community Service

  • Joshua Edwards
  • Lydia Sa
  • Laura LaMarre
  • Nicole Pellegrino
  • Bobby Booker

Award for Mentoring

  • Dr. Nathan Michalak
  • Melissa Donaghay

Award for Excellence

  • Nancy Lewis
  • Jennifer Pierre
  • Taylor Poston
  • Laura Stone
  • Brian Main
  • Amanda Parker
  • Honeylynn Shoberg
  • Lisa Stork
  • Pamela Cobb
  • Lorie Askew
  • Michelle Kubricky
  • Candice Cherry
  • Diane Dougherty
  • Adrian Negrut
  • Yolanda Demory
  • Dr. Melissa Pola
  • Abby Bailey
  • Dr. Stephanie McCombs
  • Rebecca Hastings
  • Jesse Starrett
  • Leslie Nestor
  • Cherese Parker
  • Karen James
  • Dr. Nathan Michalak
  • Renee Witherspoon
  • Alena Stewart

Prior Staff Award Winners (Lifetime Ineligibility)

The individuals listed below are not eligible to receive the Rising Star Award, Philanthropy Champion Award, or the Award for Outstanding Achievement. They are, however, eligible to receive an award in any of the other categories, provided that they are not on the ineligible lists of the other categories.

Rising Star Award

  • Lasarian Hall
  • John Applewhite
  • Natalie Semmler
  • D. Hunter Nye
  • Shannon Dudley
  • Eileen Little
  • Laura Thomas
  • Angela Rich
  • Clifford Edwards
  • Lakisha Speller
  • Kathleen Gabana
  • Richard Wambold
  • Lanore Geter
  • Missy Kohn
  • Cory Hooper
  • Maura Murphy
  • Joel Hilton
  • Erin Neal
  • Diane Holland
  • Ashley Potter
  • Angela Schlender
  • Mary Westbrook

Philanthropy Champion Award

  • A. Susan Conner
  • Jane Storer
  • Andrew Mitchell
  • Therese Raunswinter
  • Robert Armstrong
  • Michelle Hammer
  • Drucilla Papafil
  • Jason Azar
  • Molly Brittain
  • Maryanne Gathambo
  • Kela Cowan-Gant

Award for Outstanding Achievement

  • Rick Lowery
  • Beverly Owens
  • Deborah Taylor
  • Connie McKenzie
  • Kelly Rodeheaver
  • Ersell Carrow
  • Helen Heselius
  • Leanne Smith
  • Christine Boswick
  • Mark Babashanian
  • Allison Gray
  • LaTina Stith
  • Brian Main
  • Ronald Humphrey

Note: Members of the Staff Award Selection Committee are not eligible for these awards while serving on this committee. This listing cites previous award winners and may reflect individuals who are deceased or who may no longer be employed by EVMS/EVMS Medical Group/Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University.