Prior Faculty Award Winners (Ineligible for 2024)

The individuals listed below are not eligible to receive an award in the same category for a period of three to five award cycles (typically a period of 3 to 5 years, depending on the award category). These individuals are, however, eligible to receive an award in any of the other categories.

 Award for Community Service

  • Dr. Eric Feliberti
  • Dr. Jennifer Ryal
  • Madeline Dunstan
  • Dr. Marissa Galicia-Castillo

Award for Mentoring

  • Dr. Anca Dobrian
  • Dr. B. Mitchell Goodman III
  • Dr. Rehan Qayyum

Award for Excellence

  • Dr. Donald Byars II
  • Dr. Neel Krishna
  • Dr. David Taylor-Fishwick
  • Dr. Laurie Wellman
  • Dr. Diane Duffy
  • Dr. B. Mitchell Goodman III
  • Dr. David Lieb
  • Dr. Julius Nyalwidhe
  • Dr. Margaret Baumgarten
  • Dr. Vitold Galkin
  • Dr. Larry Sanford
  • Dr. Joshua Sill
  • Dr. Catherine Derber
  • Dr. Joseph Han
  • Dr. David Mu
  • Dr. Hamid Okhravi
  • Dr. Mary Roberts
  • Dr. Sarah Shaves
  • Dr. Sami Tahhan
  • Judith Taylor-Fishwick

Fine Family Academy of Educators Award for Educational Innovation in Curriculum Development, Teaching, or Assessment

  • Dr. Catherine J.F. Derber
  • Dr. April Pace

Fine Family Academy of Educators Award for Educational Leadership

  • Judith Taylor-Fishwick
  • Dr. Julie Kerry
  • Dr. David Taylor-Fishwick
  • Dr. Mily Kannarkat

Fine Family Academy of Educators Award for Educational Scholarship

  • Dr. Carrie Elzie

Prior Faculty Award Winners (Lifetime Ineligibility)

The individuals listed below are not eligible to receive the Rising Star Award, Philanthropy Champion Award, or the Award for Outstanding Achievement. They are, however, eligible to receive an award in any of the other categories, provided that they are not on the ineligible lists of the other categories.

Rising Star Award

  • Dr. Serina Neumann
  • Dr. Aurora Esquela-Kerscher
  • Dr. Elena Galkina
  • Mr. Geoff Miller
  • Dr. Stephanie Troy
  • Dr. Laurie Wellman
  • Dr. Bryan Carroll
  • Dr. Mily Kannarkat
  • Dr. Jody Boggs
  • Dr. Tina Cunningham
  • Dr. Jessica Burgess
  • Dr. Heather Newton
  • Dr. Carrie Elzie
  • Dr. Xiaoli Zhao
  • Dr. A. Brooke Hooper
  • Dr. Julia A. Sharp
  • Dr. Kent K. Lam
  • Dr. Anya Cipi
  • Dr. Jason Dukes
  • Dr. LaConda Fanning
  • Dr. Peggy Gesing
  • Dr. Ming-Lei Guo
  • Dr. Amanda Burbage
  • Dr. Natascha Heise

Philanthropy Champion Award

  • Dr. Craig Goodmurphy
  • Dr. Joseph Aloi
  • Dr. Robert Palmer
  • Dr. David Lieb
  • Dr. Julie Kerry
  • Dr. William Wasilenko
  • Dr. Don Robison
  • Dr. Hamid Okhravi
  • Dr. Julie Stoner
  • Dr. Marybeth Hughes
  • Dr. O. John Semmes

Award for Outstanding Achievement

  • Dr. Gerald Pepe
  • Dr. George Wright Jr.
  • Dr. James Lind
  • Dr. Anibal Acosta
  • Dr. Raymond Adelman
  • Dr. Gary Schechter
  • Dr. L.D. Britt
  • Dr. Howard Jones
  • Dr. Georgeanna Jones
  • Dr. Thomas Rubio
  • Dr. Roger Perry
  • Dr. Aaron Vinik
  • Dr. Arno Zaritsky
  • Dr. Ann Campbell
  • Dr. Robert Archer
  • Dr. Edward Oldfield
  • Dr. Leonard Weireter
  • Dr. Leon Georges
  • Dr. J. Catesby Ware
  • Dr. C.W. Gowen
  • Dr. Donald Lewis
  • Dr. Jean Shelton
  • Dr. Alfred Abuhamad
  • Dr. Jerry Nadler
  • Dr. J.D. Ball
  • Dr. Sergio Oehninger
  • Dr. Christine Matson
  • Dr. C. Donald Combs
  • Dr. Francis Counselman
  • Dr. John Harrington
  • Dr. Barry Strasnick
  • Dr. Ronald Flenner
  • Dr. O. John Semmes IV
  • Dr. Robert Palmer
  • Dr. Thomas Manser
  • Dr. Elias Siraj
  • Dr. Craig Derkay

Note: This listing cites previous award winners and may reflect individuals who are deceased or who may no longer be employed by EVMS/EVMS Medical Group/Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University.