The Financial Services Department delivers high-quality, effective, and cost-efficient financial support services to its associated organizations.
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Services Provided 

The following pages have moved to the website. Links are provided for your convenience. Please bookmark the new locations for future reference.

  • General Accounting: Reconciliation of various accounts and financial information as well as internal and external financial reporting.
  • Payroll: Refers to the total amount of compensation that a company pays to its employees for a specific period.
  • Procurement Card: Sets up new cardholders, reviews transactions, responds to questions and requests, and provides training to cardholders on procurement card policies and procedures.
  • Accounts Payable: Refers to the money a business owes to its suppliers or vendors for goods or services received but not yet paid for. It represents a liability on the balance sheet until the payment is made.

Learn more about our Services FAQs and 1098-T FAQ's

Please visit Financial Aid for assistance outside of our services.